News & Announcements


School Closed at 4:45 p.m. Today (17/9)

Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival. The school will be closed at 4:45 p.m. Wishing you and your family a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!


School Closed at 2:30 p.m. Today (5/9)

As the typhoon is approaching, the school will be closed at 2:30 p.m. today (5/9).


The 16th Annual Speech Day

21 June 2024 (Friday) will be one of the big days of SPKC family as the 16th Annual Speech Day will be held. Details are as follows:


Time                :           1730 – 1900

Venue              :           School Hall

Presiding         :           Dr. Stanley HO Sai Mun

Professional Consultant,

Department of Educational Administration & Policy,

Faculty of Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Reporting Time of Students

Awardees        :           1315

S6 Graduates  :           1445


If the EDB announces the closure of schools due to bad weather, the ceremony will be postponed to 22 June 2024 (Saturday) at 1730.





時  間: 下午五時三十分至七時正

地  點: 本校禮堂

主禮嘉賓: 何世敏博士





領 獎 生: 下午一時十五分

中六畢業生: 下午二時四十五分




Arrangement for collection of HKDSE Certificate

Dear Graduates,


The school is pleased to inform you that your HKDSE certificate is now available for your collection as stated below.  Please remember to bring your HKID card and collect your certificate in person on or before 15 December 2023, according to the time and venue listed below.


Venue: School General Office, G/F
Opening hours: Monday-Friday: 8:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Saturdays: 9 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.


Collection by proxy


If you are not able to collect your certificate in person, you may authorize another person to collect the certificate on your behalf, by asking him/her to present the following documents:

  • Your authorization letter (please refer to the attachment) and a copy of your HKID card; and
  • HKID card of the authorized person.

Your HKDSE certificate is an important personal document and will be issued once only. Please keep it in a safe place for your future use.


If you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact the School General Office or me at 2345-4567.


Yours sincerely,


Mr. William Lam

Head of Examinations and Assessment Committee



Letter of Authorization


S1 Places (2023/24) are FULL.


All new applicants will be put on the waiting list.









The 15th Annual Speech Day


16 June 2023 (Friday) will be one of the big days of SPKC family as the 15th Annual Speech Day will be held. Details are as follows:


Time                :       1730 – 1900

Venue              :       School Hall

Presiding          :       Mr. Chan Ka Yun

      Chairman of Schools for Christ Foundation

      Retired Principal of SKH Lam Woo Memorial Secondary School


Reporting Time of Students

Awardees         :       1315

S6 Graduates   :       1445


If the EDB announces the closure of schools due to bad weather, the ceremony will be postponed to 17 June 2023 (Saturday) at 1730.







時  間: 下午五時三十分至七時正

地  點: 本校禮堂

主禮嘉賓: 陳加恩先生





領 獎 生: 下午一時十五分

中六畢業生: 下午二時四十五分




Arrangement for collection of HKDSE Certificate

Dear Graduates,

The school is pleased to inform you that your HKDSE certificate is now available for your collection as stated below. Please remember to bring your HKID card and collect your certificate in person on or before 16 December 2022, according to the time and venue listed below.

Venue: School General Office, G/F
Opening hours: Monday-Friday: 8:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Saturdays: 9 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.


Collection by proxy

If you are not able to collect your certificate in person, you may authorize another person to collect the certificate on your behalf, by asking him/her to present the following documents:

  • Your authorization letter (please refer to the attachment) and a copy of your HKID card; and
  • HKID card of the authorized person.

Your HKDSE certificate is an important personal document and will be issued once only. Please keep it in a safe place for your future use.

If you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact the School General Office or me at 2345-4567.

Yours sincerely,

Mr. William Lam

Head of Examinations and Assessment Committee


Letter of Authorization


The 14th Annual Speech Day


15 July 2022 (Friday) will be one of the big days of SPKC family as the 14th Annual Speech Day will be held. Details are as follows:


Time                :       1730 – 1900

Venue              :       School Hall

Presiding         :       Ms. Rosa PANG Chau Sheung

            School Supervisor



Reporting Time of Students

Awardees         :       1230

S6 Graduates   :       1350


If the EDB announces the closure of schools due to bad weather, the ceremony will be postponed to 16 July 2022 (Saturday) at 1730.







時  間: 下午五時三十分至七時正

地  點: 本校禮堂

主禮嘉賓: 彭秋嫦律師




領 獎 生: 下午十二時三十分

中六畢業生: 下午一時五十分





Dear Parents,

The Second Term Examination 2021 – 2022

The Second Term Examination will be held from late June to early July.


To facilitate revision, unless otherwise stated, no co-curricular activities will be held during the examination period.  Please advise your child to go home immediately for revision.


Please remind your child to be punctual for their examinations; no extra time will be given to latecomers. In case of sick leave application, a medical certificate together with a parent’s letter must be submitted to the General Office on the day your child resumes school. Make-up examinations will ONLY be given to absentees who can provide the school with sound evidence. 20% will be deducted from the mark obtained from a make-up examination. All absentees must attend the make-up examination on the day assigned by the school. Failure to do so will result in a zero mark for the paper. Absentees who cannot provide sound evidence will also be given a zero mark for the paper.


Please advise your child to make the best use of their time to prepare for the examination.


Yours sincerely,


William LEE









請提醒  貴子弟準時應考,遲到者將不獲補額外的考試時間 貴子弟於考試期間因病缺席請於回校時家長信及醫生證明文件提交至校務處。學校只會為已提交所需文件的學生安排補考,而學生的分數將會按百分之八十折算。學生必須按學校訂定的時間完成補考,如學生未能依時應考,該科成績將會被計算為零分缺席者如未能如期遞交合理申請,將會被視作無故缺席,有關試卷會被計算為零分


請督促 貴子弟善用時間,努力溫習,以爭取理想成績。

校長  李建鋒


During the special vacation, the office hours of the General Office are adjusted as follows:

Monday to Friday

Saturday to Sunday


Dear Parents,

The First Term Examination 2021 – 2022

The First Term Examination will be held in January 2022.  Details can be found in the eNotice and the post on Google Classroom.

To facilitate revision, unless otherwise stated, no co-curricular activities will be held during the examination period.  Please advise your child to go home immediately for revision.

Please remind your child to be punctual for their examinations; no extra time will be given to latecomers.  In case of sick leave application, a medical certificate together with a parent’s letter must be submitted to the General Office on the day your child resumes school.  Make-up examinations will ONLY be given to absentees who can provide the school with sound evidence.  Marks obtained from the make-up assessments will be reduced by 20%.  All absentees must attend the make-up examination on the day assigned by the school.  Failure to do so will result in a zero mark for the paper.  Absentees who cannot provide sound evidence will also be given a zero mark for the paper.


Please advise your child to make the best use of their time to prepare for the examination.

I wish Pooikeinians all the best in the coming examination!

Yours sincerely,

William LEE




上學期考試將於二零二二年一月舉行,詳情請參閱電子通告及Google Classroom。


請提醒  貴子弟準時應考,遲到者將不獲補額外的考試時間 貴子弟於考試期間因病缺席請於回校時家長信及醫生證明文件提交至校務處。學校只會為已提交所需文件的學生安排補考,而學生的分數將會按百分之八十折算。學生必須按學校訂定的時間完成補考,如學生未能依時應考,該科成績將會被計算為零分缺席者如未能如期遞交合理申請,將會被視作無故缺席,有關試卷會被計算為零分

請督促 貴子弟善用時間,努力溫習,以爭取理想成績。



校長  李建鋒



Dear Parents,

S.6 Mock Examination 2021 – 2022

The Mock Examination will be held in January 2022.  Details can be found in the eNotice and the post on Google Classroom.

To facilitate revision, unless otherwise stated, no co-curricular activities will be held during the examination period.  Please advise your child to go home immediately after school for revision.

Please remind your child to be punctual for their examinations; no extra time will be given to latecomers.  In case of sick leave application, a medical certificate together with a parent’s letter must be submitted to the General Office on the day your child resumes school.  Make-up examinations will ONLY be given to absentees who can provide the school with sound evidence.  Marks obtained from the make-up assessments will be reduced by 20%.  All absentees must attend the make-up examination on the day assigned by the school.  Failure to do so will result in a zero mark for the paper.  Absentees who cannot provide sound evidence will also be given a zero mark for the paper.

 Please advise your child to make the best use of their time to prepare for the examination.


I wish Pooikeinians all the best in the coming examination!

Yours sincerely,


William LEE




模擬考試將於二零二二年一月舉行,詳情請參閱電子通告及Google Classroom。


請提醒  貴子弟準時應考,遲到者將不獲補額外的考試時間 貴子弟於考試期間因病缺席請於回校時家長信及醫生證明文件提交至校務處。學校只會為已提交所需文件的學生安排補考,而學生的分數將會按百分之八十折算。學生必須按學校訂定的時間完成補考,如學生未能依時應考,該科成績將會被計算為零分缺席者如未能如期遞交合理申請,將會被視作無故缺席,有關試卷會被計算為零分

請督促 貴子弟善用時間,努力溫習,以爭取理想成績。



校長 李建鋒



The weather is getting cooler these days.  Here are the arrangements for changing to winter school uniform:

  • Students can wear either the full summer uniform or full winter uniform from November 22 to November 26. All students are expected to wear the full winter uniform from November 30, 2021, onwards.
  • Students are allowed to wear their winter school jackets on top of their summer uniform. Dark blue or black, cold-resistant, jackets are allowed if the temperature in the Shatin district is lower than 13 degrees Celsius. Female students also have the choice to wear PE uniform in such cold weather.
  • For details on the rules of school uniform policy, please refer to P.9 of the Student Handbook. For any enquiries, please contact the General Office.


  • Students are NOT allowed to wear PE jackets on top of the proper uniform. However, some S1, S4, and inserting students who have not yet received school sweaters and jackets from the suppliers will have the temporary approval to wear their PE jacket on top of the proper uniform.




  • 學生由二零二一年十一月二十二日開始至十一月二十六日期間可以按天氣情況穿著整齊夏季或冬季校服回校上課。所有學生必須於二零二一年十一月三十日起穿著整齊冬季校服。
  • 如遇氣溫驟變,學生可在夏季校服之外穿著學校校襤。當沙田區氣溫低於攝氏十三度時,學生可穿著校服以外之純深藍或黑色禦寒外套回校,女生可以穿著體育服回校。
  • 有關校服的詳細要求,請查閱學生手冊第九頁。如有任何查詢,請與校務處聯絡。



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