Academic Excellence Scholarship
Student with the most outstanding DSE result of the year will be awarded with Academic Excellence Scholarship with the amount equivalent to 4 years of university tuition. We commend the awardees for their tireless effort.
I am grateful to have SPKC teachers leading my way to success in HKDSE with remarkable results.
I would have to say teachers in SPKC are impeccable, from squeezing the private time on students to address inquiries, detail-planning on every lesson to catering every single student on learning strategies, drilling and target setting. Guidance from my dear teachers are inarguably the most precious asset that I have gained. They patiently guide every single step, teaching me how to think out of the box, and accompany me not only along the journey DSE, but also to think critically for my future path.
I’m not that kind of smart kids or so-called elite students who excels in academic since I was born. Having no idea how to study effectively when I was in S1, I copied the Integrated Humanities textbook from the content page to glossary once as revision.
The studying process is fruitful and allows me to broaden my horizon as well as provoke intriguing insights. Without a second thought, SPKC teachers would engage in discussion, reaching out to discuss the possibilities on every topics, or even have debate with us which is essential in studying, via discussion allows me to think, improve and pave way for the success in attaining 5** in Liberal Studies and Economics.
Education gives me the tool, but to be intellectual and actualize my dream, participating in co-curricular activities is the key. They offer me vast amount of opportunities to discover myself, unleash me potential and meet a group of friends with common goals. I particularly enjoy my time in Student Fellowship. Under the light of Jesus, brothers and sisters allows me to praise for His sacrifice and grace. I am also grateful that SPKC has appointed me as the Captain of King House and Vice-Chairperson of the English Debating Team. Through these incredible experiences, I was given the opportunities to step out from my comfort zone, face my weaknesses and stand out to speak in front of schoolmates, teachers or even audience. With the ongoing training, SPKC has cultivated me courage and confidence, the life-long skills and ultimately took the crown of grand final champion in the Hong Kong School Debating Competition, the first in the Hong Kong Speech Festival for Cantonese Solo Verse Contest and even the Top 10 Outstanding Students in New Territories.
Thank you, SPKC, for offering this breading ground for me.
All-Round Student
Students who meet the following criteria will be shortlisted: 1) top 30 in form; 2) B+ or above in conduct; 3) active participation in CCA & 4) at least 3 Community Services. In the year-end meeting, all teachers gladly share their observation of the candidates. It is an encouraging time to hear the good deeds and tireless effort by our outstanding students. 2 students with the highest number of votes would win the title of All-Round Student.

Thank you for awarding the scholarship to me. It is a great achievement of mine. I promise I will keep it up and continue to help other classmates.
Here are some revision tips of mine:
1. jot down key points when revision; 2. concentrate during lessons; 3. brainstorm ideas with classmates.
Though I am not coming from rich family, I still want to donate some of my scholarships to brothers and sisters in my church to share my happiness with them.
Lastly, thanks to my caring teachers from the bottom of my heart. I know they spent lots of effort to teach us
18-19 is a marvellous year. I finally had the courage to challenge myself and try something new. I have participated in different kinds of competitions which I have never tried them before. Through these contests, I undoubtedly know myself better than before. Joining more competitions not only enhances my self- exploration, but also strengthens my confidence. Based upon this, I strongly suggest all my fellow schoolmates to join more competitions next year, especially of areas that are unfamiliar to you. They can tell you about your strengths and weaknesses. It is the decent way to equip yourself and help you to be a leader in our future society.

Basketball trainings, competitions, being a leader in prefect team, helping kids who are in need, etc., these are all my hobbies. No matter how stressful and hectic school life is, I would never give up any of these.
I understand academic excellence is essential for university entrance. My belief is to turn studying into you interest before cramming all the exam notes. You will find yourself gradually enjoying your learning process.
Best School Team

Every debater always remember their first debates. Anxious, confused are the feelings that we shared and to be honest it was fairly easy to think about quitting. As we look back, we have come to realize how much support we have received from the school and most of all, our teacher advisors. Debate is a demanding activity as it requires broad understanding of the issues and the ability to think logically, needlessly to say it is not something that a teenager can handle effortlessly. Teachers should be very much credited as they are willing to sacrifice their time to sit down and meticulously analyze each debate topic with us.
Apart from that, there has always existed a team spirit that continues to drive us forward: teammates putting extra time to talk about the cases together, everyone in team going to watch the competitions and we praying before each and every competition. We consider ourselves lucky as we are given the platform to learn and grow: the debate techniques are critical for us understanding our surroundings while the team spirit we shared teaches not to be self-centered, to think for the big picture and to always learn from each other. We sincerely wish that the legacy of the English debate team can continue to nurture many more Pookeinians.

The Student Ambassadors’ team, a serving team of school, is obligated to hold school’s major functions and events, creating the most welcoming atmosphere, and provide precisely the guidance and assistance needed to cater the desideratum of every single guests, making sure they enjoy every moment they spent at the campus by never losing sight of the guests’ needs.
Skills learnt through holding key functions are highly transferrable. For example, enthusiasm and respect, dedication and determination are cultivated.
Leaders are responsible for preparation of events, making sure they are planned till nicety, as well as providing trainings to members. Such experience developed students with leadership and teamwork skills. Further, collaboration with school and other school teams is emphasized and skills to interface with visitors are developed.
Therefore, the Student Ambassadors’ team is a perfect stepping stone between school and our future world of work and socializing.

Service Award

The Ninth Batch of Shatin Ambassadors scheme a full year Scheme that allow us to organize community services for the needy. Via this scheme, my team hopes to show love and care and raise the public awareness of the group that is often neglected – the mentally challenged.
Every social group has its own needs but the segregation in education and health care often puts a label on them.
I learned to become mature and stay positive. Sometimes overthink and things often got complicated without effective communication. The mentally challenged students taught me when taking a step back , we will find a whole new world. With all the energy saved, I can be more dedicated to serve others and connect with the society.
以我賣旗及社福護老服務的經驗,明白受助者不只需要一次性義工服務。很榮幸得到Mr Ray Hon推薦,參與沙田區學大使計劃。其獨特之處是與同學一手負責籌備至探訪活動,且有多次義工服務。本年度我的主要對象為弱能人士。
第一次服務比較難忘,畢竟有些緊張。一開始以為所設計大電視遊戲不好玩,所以他們不太投入。後來才知大聲重複遊戲規則,確保他們完全明白,才能投入遊戲。 要理解服務對象的真正需要需要細心觀察及經驗累積。

CCA Award

今年,我代表學校管弦樂團參加了兩個比賽,分別在十二月及四月份。 而這兩個比賽均令到我對音樂方面更進一步, 給予與其他人合作的一個機會。於兩個比賽中獲得獎項亦是對我很大鼓勵。
Hong Kong Dragon Boat Team Representative is my other identity since S4, a dream that I always crave for. I’d attempt everything, Confront my fears, Embrace my flaws and Breakthrough the obstacles.
Throughout this journey, I have to say SPKC teachers are my fosterer and important people in supporting my HKG life, especially Ms. YK Yum – my PE teacher and my HKG teammate! This is a precious experience participating with her in the World Championship. She supported me all the way through the training and competition. My performance was once been casted in doubt that I lost confidence. She believed in me, reminded of the hardship that we have been through. She clings to the hope that I can nail this. Not only on Dragon Boat stage but also towards the struggle between Dragon Boat and academic. Ms. Yum motivated me to pursue my dream, to fight for my goal relentlessly. She is not only a PE teacher to me, but a MENTOR.

I am so glad that I joined English debate team since form 1 as I got a lot of opportunities to participate and explore in different competitions. Not only did it improve my language and debate tactics, but also shaped my personality and helped me with my future career. I am also very grateful that I had received much support from teachers and teammates. They both became an important part of my life.
Some awards Alice has won:
– Regional & Grand Final Champion, Hong Kong Secondary School Debating Competition 1819
– Best School Team & 5th Best Speaker, Evershed Cup Debating Competition 1718
– Drama Duologue Champion, 69th Hong Kong Secondary School Speech Festival
– Regional Champion, Hong Kong Secondary School Debating Competition 1718