
CityU-Learning Classroom for Secondary School Students


CityU-Learning Classroom for Secondary School Students

City University of Hong Kong embraces innovative teaching and learning initiatives to support various learning needs of different students. Leveraging the advanced and effective CityU-Learning system, we introduced the taster lectures so that secondary school students can have the taste of university learning. Classes are available in online or face-to-face on the CityU campus.

Lectures include:

  • Leaders in the workplace
  • The vibrant materiality of our linguistic bodies
  • AI-Enabled Digital Diagnosis and Precision Medicine
  • The Importance of Indoor Air Quality
  • Adaptive and Automated Deep Recommender Systems
  • The Importance of Cattle in Feeding the World
  • The Science, Law and Politics of Climate Change

For registration, please visit

The World Class Study in London (WCSiL) Academic Q&A


The World Class Study in London (WCSiL) Academic Q&A

Meet with academic staff and students from three of the world’s top universities Imperial College London, King’s College London and UCL!

WCSiL Academic Q&A: Engineering

Date and Time: 19 March 2024 (Tue), 1:00 – 2:00, HKT

For registration, please visit

WCSiL Academic Q&A: Medicine

Date and Time: 20 March 2024 (Wed), 18:30 – 20:00, HKT

For registration, please visit

WCSiL Academic Q&A: Law

Date and Time: 21 March 2024 (Thur), 18:30 – 20:00, HKT

For registration, please visit

University of Essex: Hidden Gems Webinar Series


University of Essex: Hidden Gems Webinar Series

Hidden Gems is a series of webinars showcasing unique undergraduate courses you can study at Essex. Explore the different options available and find your perfect course!

Experience the course through a mini-taster session and find out what careers it could lead to once you have completed it – you might be surprised!

  • 5 Mar 2024 (Tue), 18:00, HKT | BA Philosophy, Politics and Economics: Is the world becoming more conflictual?
  • 5 Mar 2024 (Tue), 22:00, HKT | BA Philosophy, Religion and Ethics: Thinking and Working Like a Philosopher
  • 6 Mar 2024 (Wed), 18:00, HKT | BSc Global Sustainability & BSc Marine Biology: Marine pollution – what is killing our seas?
  • 6 Mar 2024 (Wed), 20:00, HKT | BA Computational Linguistics: Extending AI access: Language technologies in under-resourced and multilingual language
  • 6 Mar 2024 (Wed), 22:00, HKT | BA Psychodynamic Practice: Trauma and Mental Health: A Psychodynamic Alternative to Psychology
  • 7 Mar 2024 (Wed), 18:00, HKT | BSc Actuarial Science: Risk attitude: Are you risk loving?
  • 7 Mar 2024 (Wed), 22:00, HKT | BA Global Studies and Sustainability: What is the solution to climate crisis?
  • 8 Mar 2024 (Thur), 18:00, HKT | LLB English and French Law: Contract law and parking tickets: can they be challenged?
  • 8 Mar 2024 (Thur), 20:00, HKT | BA Teaching English as a Foreign Language: Global Linguistic Horizons: Empowering Multilingual Mastery and TEFL Expertise
  • 8 Mar 2024 (Thur), 22:00, HKT | BEng Neural Engineering with Psychology: Neural interfaces: Connecting brains to technology

For registration, please visit

CUHK Programme Taster Fair for Senior Secondary Students


CUHK Programme Taster Fair for Senior Secondary Students

The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) is organizing a face-to-face activity – Programme Taster Fair for secondary 4 to 5 students.

During the event, senior secondary students will have an opportunity to attend a series of on-campus activities including:

  • mini-lectures & taster classes,
  • facilities visits and hands-on workshops
  • Student sharing

These activities aim at helping students clarify their academic and career goals and plan early for university studies in future.

Date: 13 Apr 2024 (Sat)
Time: 10:00 – 14:00

For details and registration, please visit:

Newcastle University: Get Ahead 2024


Newcastle University: Get Ahead 2024

Get ahead on your journey to Newcastle University. Develop your study skills and experience an academic taster session.

Join us online via Zoom. Each 1-hour evening session is a new opportunity to:

  • learn new skills
  • find out more information about the university
  • ask questions
  • see our campus

16 April 2024 (Tue), 1:00 – 2:00, HKT: Student panel
17 April 2024 (Wed), 1:00 – 2:00, HKT: Academic skills session
18 April 2024 (Thur), 1:00 – 2:00, HKT: Campus tour

For registration, please visit

Imperial College London: Student Life and Study Experience


Imperial College London: Student Life and Study Experience

Join this interactive webinar to hear from current students about what it’s really like to study at Imperial.

Date: 28 Feb 2024 (Wed)
Time: 20:00 – 21:00, HKT

You’ll hear about:
– Student life at Imperial
– Clubs and societies you can join (we have over 350!)
– The study experience
– Life in London, the world’s best student city*

For registration, please visit

Applying to Oxford: the support available and where to find it


Applying to Oxford: the support available and where to find it

Two sessions for prospective students and their parents/guardians/supporters where the International team will deep dive into the support and information about applying to the University of Oxford available online.

AM session
Date: 28 Feb 2024 (Wed)
Time: 18:00 – 19:15, HKT

PM session
Date: 29 Feb 2024 (Thur)
Time: 0:00 – 1:15, HKT

For registration, please visit

HKAPA Open Day 2024


HKAPA Open Day 2024

The Academy will present its annual Open Day on Sunday, March 3 this year, filled with over a hundred free performing arts events prepared by students and faculty from six Schools on the Wanchai Main Campus and the Béthanie Landmark Heritage Campus in Pokfulam of the Academy. Some activities will make use of artificial intelligence (AI) and art technology, providing visitors with an immensely joyful and unique experience.

Date: 3 March 2024 (Sun)

Opening hours:

  • Wanchai Main Campus: 10 am – 5 pm
  • Béthanie Landmark Heritage Campus: 1 pm – 5 pm*

*Free shuttle bus services between the Wanchai Main Campus and the Béthanie Landmark Heritage Campus in Pokfulam will be provided on a first-come-first-served basis

Free admission, no registration required. For further information, please visit

Discover Durham Live Sessions


Discover Durham Live Sessions

A series of Discover Durham Live virtual sessions is running for prospective undergraduate students covering everything from our colleges to sports and societies! Sessions are led by our current students who will share their own experiences and give you the opportunity to ask any questions.

Online Session Time
My Experience at Durham
8 Feb 2024 (Thur), 0:00
Durham’s Colleges: The Process
29 Feb 2024 (Thur), 0:00
Sports and Societies at Durham
13 Mar 2024 (Wed), 1:00 – 2:00
Theatre and Music at Durham
27 Mar 2024 (Wed), 1:00 – 2:00
Durham’s Colleges: My Experience
18 Apr 2024 (Thur), 1:00 – 2:00
My Experience at Durham
16 May 2024 (Thur), 0:00
Student Hacks: Preparing for University
21 Jun 2024 (Fri), 0:00

For registration, please visit





日期 2024 年 2 月 2 日(星期五)
時間 下午 7 點至 9 點
現場講座地址 香港教育局九龍塘教師中心西座 4 樓 WB 演講廳(九龍塘港鐵站 E 出口)
ZOOM 線上講座 會議 ID:813-9598-7913
截止報名日期 2024 年 1 月 31日


HKDI Connect


HKDI Connect

HKDI Connect is an experiential event that brings together the design and broader community through inspiring international exhibitions, engaging workshops, programme information booths, campus guided tours, and more.

This event provides an opportunity for your students to learn more about the trends of design and creative industries and their career prospects, as well as our programmes of study, articulation pathways, and existing campus life. Students at all levels of study are welcome to join.

Furthermore, on-site admission for programme application will also be available for S6 students with an application fee discount.

Details of the event are as follows:

Date: 23 February 2024 (Friday)
Time: 11:00am – 5:00pm
Venue: Hong Kong Design Institute
3 King Ling Road, Tseung Kwan O, New Territories
(MTR Tiu Keng Leng Station Exit A2)


For registration, please complete the e-form on or before 9 February 2024.

Hong Kong EducationUSA Consultation Day


Hong Kong EducationUSA Consultation Day

Hong Kong EducationUSA meets students/parents regularly to provide consultations on application to US undergraduate programs.

For registration, please visit:

PolyU Junior Researcher Mentoring Programme (JRMP)


PolyU Junior Researcher Mentoring Programme (JRMP)

S.4 & S.5 students are invited to join the PolyU Junior Researcher Mentoring Programme (JRMP). Students who participated in research projects can deepen their understanding of a chosen research topic, and develop analytical and research skills under the guidance of PolyU academics. This year, 31 research projects conducted are open for students to join.

You may find other details of the Programme via the following links:

  1. Promotional videos:
  2. JRMP website:

If you are interested, please approach your respective subject teachers or Ms. Jovi Ma by 26 January 2024 (Fri).





實習日期: 2024年5月下旬至8月(其中5至6星期)
實習地點: 粵港澳大灣區的內地城市(廣州、深圳、佛山、東莞等)
招募對象: 2024年應屆中六畢業生
團費: 經學校推薦或自薦計劃報名並獲取錄,費用全免(包括集體來回實習城市交通、住宿、基本旅遊保險及交流活動)






–       未來工作方向 :  工作世界在新常態及工業革命4.0下如何轉變,青年人可以怎樣裝備自己

–       青年心理健康 :  如何支援青年人面對急速轉變的世界,以及提升他們的抗壓能力

–       家長在青年生涯規劃的角色 :  如何與青年人展開對話和保持溝通,以及支援他們面對挑戰




時間:下午2時正 – 4時正





HKTDC Education & Careers Expo 2024


HKTDC Education & Careers Expo 2024

The HKTDC Education & Careers Expo provides a valuable platform for educational institutions, government departments, and private enterprises to communicate directly with the public by disseminating up-to-date information on further studies and career opportunities.

Dates: 25-28 Jan 2024

Venue: Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, 1 Expo Drive, Wan Chai, Hong Kong (Harbour Road Entrance)

Admission: Open to public

For further information and registration, please visit:

Newcastle University Virtual Student Experience


Newcastle University Virtual Student Experience

Date and Time : 18 January 2024 (Thursday), 0:00 – 2:30, HKT

What to expect:

  • join live question and answer sessions
  • enjoy a live tour of our campus
  • join our student panel to find out about life as a student at Newcastle
  • find out more about our Student Services including accommodationhealth and wellbeing and student finance
  • speak to our admissions team and find out how you may be eligible for a lower entry offer
  • download videos and materials to view after the event

Book your place now at and receive tailored information to help you get the most out of your Undergraduate Virtual Student Experience.

bE inspired too! Engineering Education & Career Day


bE inspired too! Engineering Education & Career Day

bE inspired too! Engineering Education & Career Day aims to help students and parents appreciate the impact of engineering and innovation on our community, explore different engineering study and career pathways, and get prepared for a brighter future.

Date: 27 Jan 2024 (Sat)
Time: 1:30pm – 5:30pm
Location: ARUP office in Festival Walk and visit at HKUST
Target: F.1 – 3 students and their parents

For further information and registration, please visit:

The University of Sydney International Online Open Day


The University of Sydney International Online Open Day

Register today and speak to our expert University of Sydney future students’ staff to learn more about your course options.

Date: 12 December 2023 (Tue)
Time: 17:00, HKT

For registration, please visit





日期︰ 2023年11月19日(星期日)
時間︰ 第一場:上午11時至下午1時
地點︰ 香港九龍加士居道8號 女童軍總部大廈禮堂
講者︰ 李國寶先生 香港學生輔導協會首席升學顧問
譚振聲律師 梁浩然律師事務所合夥人
內容︰ 1) JUPAS選科策略及最新形勢分析
2) 多元升學出路與應試攻略
3) 資深律師分享職涯規劃及職場發展心得
