School Supervisor

Ms. PANG Chau Sheung, Rosa


Solicitor, HKSAR

Lecturer, Lee Shau Kee School of Business & Administration, The Open University of Hong Kong

Vice Chairperson, Council of Management, Stewards

Supervisor of Stewards Pooi Tun Secondary School

Supervisor of Stewards MKMCF Ma Ko Pan Memorial Secondary School

Supervisor of Stewards Pooi Kei Primary School

Director of Rotary Club of Happy Valley Charitable Fund Limited

Director of Hong Kong Blind Sports Federation

Term of Office: 3 years

School Managers

Ms. CHAN Oi Yu

Councillor of Stewards

School Manager of Stewards Pooi Kei Primary School

Term of Office: 3 years

Ms. CHAO Lai Man, Alice

MSc (PolyU)

Certified Public Accountant

Director, Kowloon City Baptist Church Social Services

Term of Office: 3 years

Dr. CHEUNG Hay Lok

MBChB(CUHK), FHKAM(Emergency medicine)

Specialist in Emergency Medicine

School Manager of Stewards Pooi Tun Secondary School

Honorary Assistant Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Chinese University of Hong Kong

Term of Office: 3 years

Prof. HUANG Erwin

Adjunct Professor of Intergrative Systems and Design, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Associate Director, Master of Science in Technology Leadership and Entrepreneurship Programme, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Co-founder, DreamStarter, HK

Other Community Member / Professional

Term of Office: 1 year

Mr. KOO Fong Ngai

Executive Committee Member, Parent-Teacher Association, Stewards Pooi Kei College

Parent Manager

Term of Office: 1 year

Dr. LAM Kin Sang

BSc, MSc, PhD, C Eng, MIStructE, MHKIE, MBCS

Retired Structural Engineer and IT Professional

Honourary Chaplain of Stewards

Deacon, Peace Gospel Hall

Counselor and Committee Member, Bethel Pastoral Counseling Centre

Term of Office: 3 years

Mr. LEE Kin Fung, William

BSSc (Hons), MA, PGDE

Prof. Dip. in Guidance and Counselling

Principal, Stewards Pooi Kei College

School Manager of Stewards Pooi Kei Primary School

Ex Officio Member

Mr. NGAI Shu Chiu

B Sc (CUHK), Cert Ed (HKU), M Ed (CUHK)

Director, Act Plus Education Foundation

Retired Principal of CNEC Christian College

Term of Office: 3 years

Mr. TANG Lok Ming

Senior Teacher, Stewards Pooi Kei College

Teacher Manager

Term of Office: 1 year

Mrs. TEOH LIN Wai Hing, Winnie


Chairman, Ladies Committee, Lions Walk for life, Lions clubs District 303, Hong Kong & Macau

Co- Chairman , Ladies Programme Sub Committee 27th Oseal Forum, Lions Club International

President, Zonta Club of Kowloon

District 17 Area 2 Director, Zonta Club International

Vice Chairman, Hoi Tin Athletic Association

First School Supervisor of Stewards Pooi Chun Kindergarten

Lecturer, HKU SPACE

Lieutenant Governor Elect, District 17, Zonta International

Term of Office: 3 years

Mr. YUEN Peter

BSc, MA(Ed), MA, DipEd, Assoc. Fellow (HKPCA)

Former Principal, Stewards Pooi Kei College 

Associate Fellow, Hong Kong Professional Counselling Association

Term of Office: 3 years

Listed in alphabetical order