"FAQ" 常見問題

Frequently Asked Questions for S1 Admission Application

  1. When are the briefing sessions for Secondary 1 admission application of Stewards Pooi Kei College (SPKC)?
    Click here for more information. 
  2. When is the application deadline?
    Click here for more information. 
  3. When will be the interviews?
    Ans: Selected applicants will be invited to attend an interview between December and early February. They will receive an interview notification by email at least a week before the interview.
  4. How many S1 students will be admitted in the coming school year?
    Ans: About 205.
  5. Will there be any places reserved for nominated schools (e.g. Stewards Pooi Kei Primary School)?
    Ans: No.
  6. Will the school still accept applications after the release of SSPA result?
    Ans: The acceptance of the application greatly depends on the availability of the remaining places. Based on our previous experience, after the release of the result, the quota is very limited and the competition amongst the late applicants is relatively fierce. An applicant might still have to be on the waiting list even though he/she meets the basic requirements of the School.
  7. Can my child apply for SPKC and other government aided schools at the same time?
    Ans: Yes, a student can apply for both SPKC and other aided schools.
  8. If my child is accepted by SPKC, can my child still participate in the Central Allocation?
    Ans: Once a Secondary 1 place is offered by SPKC and is accepted by the parent, the parent has to sign an undertaking agreeing to forfeit any other government aided school placements. According to the Education Bureau (EDB) guidelines, a successful applicant also needs to hand in the original copy of the Primary 6 Student Record Form to SPKC. EDB will later be informed by the School that your child will not participate in the Central Allocation.
  9. If the parents do not sign the undertaking when their child is accepted by SPKC in the first or second batch interview, will they still get the chance to enroll after the release of the Central Allocation result in July?
    Ans: The answer is no, all previous applicants who forfeit the first offer will be treated as new applicants.
  10. When will the applicants be informed about the admission result?
    Ans: Application results will be released (whether accepted or not) via email not later than the end of April.
  11. If brothers or sisters of the applicant are students of the School, will the applicant be admitted with privilege?
    Ans: It depends on particular cases, but all applicants must fulfill the basic requirements of the School.
  12. If the applicant is offered a place by another Direct Subsidy Scheme (DSS) school, will this affect the chance of being admitted to SPKC?
    Ans: No, unless the parent has signed an undertaking and handed in the original copy of the Primary 6 Student Record Form to that school. The undertaking is an agreement stating that the applicant is willing to accept the admission and forfeit any other offers granted by other schools.
  13. Does SPKC have a pre-set boy-girl ratio for admission purpose?
    Ans: No. But to maximize learning efficiency, the School will take into consideration the boy-girl ratio.
  1. Will all applicants be granted an interview?
    Ans: Due to the overwhelming number of applications (over 3,000 per year) and the limited S1 places (around 205 places), the school will only offer interviews to selected applicants, with reference to their academic results in primary schools, performance of extra-curricular activities and conduct grades.
  2. What are the criteria for Secondary 1 admission?
    Ans: The final decision is based on the applicant’s
    (a) academic performance;
    (b) conduct;
    (c) extra-curricular activities;
    (d) student interviews (individual interview and group interview).
    Religious beliefs of applicants and parents will not affect the final decision.
  3. What are the format and language used in the interview?
    Ans: The individual and group sessions are conducted in English and Cantonese. There is no written test in the first and second batch interviews.
  4. If the English proficiency of student does not fulfill the admission requirement, will the School still consider the application?
    Ans: The medium of instruction of the School is English, thus all applicants must have the capability to learn through English. The School will have a thorough assessment of applicants.
  1. What is a Direct Subsidy Scheme (DSS) school?
    Ans: A Direct Subsidy Scheme (DSS) school is different from a government or an aided school as it has the freedom to decide on its curriculum, fees and entrance requirements. With the subsidies from the government, the school is able to be more resourceful in providing students and parents with more choices to enhance quality of education. For details, please go to the webpage of EDB. https://www.edb.gov.hk/en/edu-system/primary-secondary/applicable-to-primary-secondary/direct-subsidy-scheme/index.html
  2. One of the focuses of the School is to widen students’ global perspective. Apart from local public examinations, will students take any international public examinations?
    Ans: Yes, our students can choose to take IAL examination. More information can be found at https://www.spkc.edu.hk/non-local-curriculum/ 
  3. How does the School foster and develop students’ physical well-being?
    Ans: The School provides ample opportunities, such as PE lessons, training, performances and competitions, to foster and develop students’ potential in sports.
  4. Does the School put special focus on developing students’ musical talents?
    Ans: Yes, music education is one of our prioritized development items. Our lessons adopt the most popular “Performance-based Curriculum” with instrumental ensemble and chorus being its core. Together with the systematic music analysis and appreciation, theory training and integrated art creation, students can fully develop their music potential. To implement “One Student, One Talent”, various instrumental classes have been offered after class to provide students with reasonably-priced quality music learning opportunities. Under COVID, the performances are replaced by “music technology” components in our school’s InnoMusic Space. 
  1. What is the teacher-student ratio? How many Native-speaking English Teachers (NETs) are there in SPKC?
    Ans: There are 6 S1 classes. Overall teacher-student ratio is approximately 1:11. We have 5 NETs.
  2. Is there a repeating system?
    Ans: Yes, to be promoted to the next form level, a student must achieve the following:
    (a) an overall average score of 50 or above; and
    (b) a minimum conduct grade of B-; and
    (c) a passing mark in the subject English Language; and
    (d) a passing mark in at least one of the following core subjects: Chinese Language and Mathematics.
  3. Does the School organize any study tours?
    Ans: Yes, the School usually organizes a programme called “Learning without Walls” during the second term, which lasts for a week. Students may choose to stay in Hong Kong or go overseas. Students in the School have been to the USA, Canada, Australia, Japan, France, Germany, Austria, New Zealand, Switzerland, Fiji, South-East Asian countries and Mainland China to enrich their learning experiences.
  4. How does a dual class teachers system operate? Will the class teachers be promoted together with their students to the higher form?
    Ans: The purpose of dual class teachers is to provide thorough care to students. Class teachers will not necessarily remain as the class teachers of the students when they get promoted. 
  5. What subjects are offered to S1 students?
    (a) English Language
    (b) Chinese Language
    (c) Mathematics
    (d) Putonghua
    (e) Integrated Science
    (f) Integrated Humanities
    (g) Chinese History
    (h) Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
    (i) Personal-Social-Spiritual Education (PSSE)
    (j) Visual Arts
    (k) Music
    (l) Physical Education (PE)
    (m) Global Citizenship (GC)
    (n) Design Thinking & Living (DTL)
    (o) Citizenship, Economics and Society
  6. What NSS elective subjects are offered to students?
    DSE Curriculum
    (a) Physics
    (b) Chemistry
    (c) Biology
    (d) Mathematics Extended Part (M1/M2)
    (e) History
    (f) Chinese History
    (g) Geography
    (h) Literature in English
    (i) Economics
    (j) Business, Accounting and Financial Studies (BAFS)
    (k) Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
    (l) Visual Arts
    (m) Music 
    GCE/IAL Curriculum 
    (a) Mathematics
    (b) Chemistry
    (c) Physics or Biology
  7. How will the School help S1 students in adapting to an English learning environment?
    Ans: Before the start of the school year (in mid-August), S1 students will attend a summer bridging programme to learn different skills to meet the challenges arising from the new EMI learning environment. We adopt a split group system for English classes (small class teaching) to cater for learning differences.
  8. How many Uniform Tests and Examinations are there in a school year?
    Ans: There are two Uniform Tests and two Examinations in a school year.
  9. How does SPKC deal with different students’ learning ability? Would teachers give special care or extra lessons to students with lower learning ability? Does SPKC have any related policy for the gifted students? Is there any support for students with dyslexia?
    Ans: Regular form meetings will be held by Character Building Committee (CBC), Students Wellbeing Committee (SWC) with class teachers and subject teachers so that they can share their experiences in catering for students’ diverse learning needs.
    Besides, Academic Enhancement Committee (AEC) coordinates consolidation & enhancements classes of core subjects (English Language, Chinese Language and Mathematics) and centralized supplementary lessons (for senior form students) for different level academic achievers. From time to time, the Library offers Study Skills Workshop. 
  10. How could a student get scholarships from the School?
    Ans: There are a wide variety of scholarships (academic and non-academic) for our students of different forms. 
    We have School Fee Remission Scholarships for academic high achievers and students with outstanding performance in service, leadership, music, arts, etc. 
    Besides, Academic Scholarships and Subject Prizes are given to our academic high achievers in each form. The total amount of the academic-related scholarship is more than $600,000 per year.
  1. How does the School implement the language policy?
    Ans: Apart from Chinese Language, Chinese History, Putonghua, PSSE, Physical Education and Citizenship and Social Development, all other subjects are taught in English. In addition, morning assemblies are conducted in different languages on different days (English on Tuesdays and Wednesdays; Cantonese on Mondays and Fridays; Putonghua on Thursdays).
  2. Are Chinese lessons taught in Putonghua?
    Ans: No, but there are Putonghua lessons every cycle.
  3. What is Humanities, CES and Global Citizenship (GC)?
    Ans: Humanities and Global Citizenship (GC) are part of the school-based curriculum, while CES (Citizenship, Economics, and Society) follows the central curriculum established by the Education Bureau (EDB).
    Humanities extends learning from historical contexts to contemporary investigations, aiming to develop students’ humanistic literacy. In contrast, GC broadens the scope of learning from local to global contexts. Students are expected to cultivate a global vision and a sense of citizenship by exploring various Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) introduced by the United Nations (UN). In these three subjects, students are encouraged to “learn from the past,” “explore the present,” and “think about the future.”
  4. What is “Learning Without Walls (LEWOWA)”? Is it compulsory for all students?
    Ans: Every student (except final year students) should participate in one LEWOWA programme each year. LEWOWA offers life-wide learning programmes in which Pooikeinians can gain insights outside classrooms. It aims at cultivating Christian leaders through life-changing learning experiences. For more information, please visit the LEWOWA webpage on the School website. http://www.spkc.edu.hk/LEWOWA/What is Humanities, CES and Global Citizenship (GC)?
  1. Will the school adjust the school fee every year?
    Ans: It depends on the situation, and the adjustment is for the preservation of quality education. Tuition affordability will be taken into consideration in the policy making process.
  2. Are there any school buses provided?
    Ans: Yes, the design of bus routes is based on the needs and the area of residence our students.
  3. What is the arrangement of lunch time?
    Ans: All junior form students are required to have lunch at school. They may either bring their own lunch or order them from the School’s lunch box supplier.
  4. What Co-Curricular Activities (CCAs) are provided by the School?
    Ans: The School provides a wide variety of co-curricular activities. Click here to see the list.  
  5. Does the School provide any financial subsidy?
    Ans: Yes, the School provides a Financial Subsidy Scheme for students in need. Upon approval, students may be partially or completely exempted from the payment of tuition fee. See here for details.
  1. Is there a Parent-Teacher Association?
    Ans: Yes. The Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) was established in 2006. The association aims at strengthening the connection and collaboration between the School and families of students. Through organizing regular activities, PTA would like to achieve the following:
    (a) To establish a good rapport among families,
    (b) To work hand-in-hand with the School to help our students develop a balanced life, with emphasis on moral education, intellectual growth, physical education, social development, aesthetic education and spiritual education,
    (c) To create the best learning environment for our students through continuous improvement of the school premises, facilities and equipment.
    In addition, the School also organizes a PTA choir that welcomes every parent’s participation.
  2. Are there any social workers and student guidance personnels stationed in the School?
    Ans: Yes. Stewards Social Service Branch assigns two counsellors, two social workers, and an educational psychologist to serve the students of the School.
  3. Does the School receive full pastoral support from any churches?
    Ans: Yes, Christian & Missionary Alliance Abundance Grace Church is the spiritual pillar of the School. She provides pastoral care to all our students, parents and teachers. 


  1. 貴校的中一入學簡介會何時舉行
  2. 貴校中一入學申請何時截止?
  3. 校中一入學面試何時進行?
  4. 貴校來年的中一收生額是多少?
    答:約 205位。
  5. 貴校有否預留特定的學位予聯繫小學 (例如:香港神託會培基小學)?
  6. 在中學學位分配結果公佈後, 貴校會否仍然接受中一學位申請?
  7. 我的子女可否同時申請入讀 貴校及其他政府津貼學校?
  8. 如我的子女已被 貴校取錄,是否不能參加中央派位?
  9. 如果 貴校在第一或第二收生階段已取錄我的子女,但及後本人決定放棄接受學位,到了7月想再次申請入學,校方會否考慮申請?
  10. 申請人何時會知道申請結果?
  11. 如申請人有哥哥或姊姊就讀 貴校,他/她會否被優先取錄?
  12. 如申請人獲另一間直資中學取錄,會否影響入讀 貴校的機會?
  13. 貴校有否規定男女收生的比例?

  1. 是否所有申請者都有機會面試?
  2. 貴校按甚麼標準取錄中一學生?
    (一) 學業成績
    (二) 操行
    (三) 課外活動
    (四) 學生面試(包括個人面試及小組討論)
  3. 貴校入學面試採用甚麼語言及甚麼形式?
  4. 如果申請人的英語能力未達入學標準,貴校會否仍然考慮其申請?
  1. 何謂直資學校?
  2. 貴校強調國際視野,學生除參加本地公開考試外,貴校有否為學生報考其他國際考試?
    答:有,本校學生可參加國際性的公開考試(IAL),詳情可參考 https://www.spkc.edu.hk/non-local-curriculum/
  3. 貴校如何培育及發揮學生運動方面的才能?
  4. 貴校有否關注學生音樂才能的發展?
    本校課堂採用現時最流行的「表演為基礎課程」 (performance-based curriculum) 模式,以合奏與合唱訓練為課程核心,配合有系統的音樂闡釋及欣賞、樂理訓練和綜合藝術創作,全面發展學生的音樂潛能。本校設「一人一體藝」計劃,於課餘開設不同類型的樂器班,為學生提供廉價而優質的學習樂器機會。在疫情期間,本校於校內創意音樂空間進行音樂工藝(music technology),以取代表演課程。
  1. 貴校師生比例是多少?現時共有多少位外籍英語教師?
  2. 貴校有沒有留級制度?
    (一) 總平均分達50分或以上;及
    (二) 操行不低於B-;及
    (三) 英文科及格;及
    (四) 最少一科主科(中文、數學)及格。
  3. 貴校有否為學生安排學習交流團?
  4. 貴校的雙班主任制度如何運作?班主任會否與學生一起「升班」?
  5. 中一生須修讀哪些科目?
    (一) 英國語文科
    (二) 中國語文科
    (三) 數學科
    (四) 普通話科
    (五) 綜合科學科
    (六) 綜合人文科
    (七) 中國歷史科
    (八) 資訊及通訊科技科
    (九) 綜合科學科
    (十) 生命成長科
    (十一) 視覺藝術科
    (十二) 體育科
    (十三) 世界公民科
    (十四) 設計思維及生活科
  6. 貴校新高中開設哪些科目?
    (一) 物理科
    (二) 化學科
    (三) 生物科
    (四) 歷史科
    (五) 中國歷史科
    (六) 地理科
    (七) 英國文學科
    (八) 經濟科
    (九) 企業、會計與財務概論科
    (十一) 視覺藝術科
    (十二) 音樂科
    另外, 本校學生亦選讀國際課程GCE/IAL。選修科為:數學、化學、生物或物理。
  7. 貴校如何幫助中一學生適應英語教學環境?
  8. 貴校每年舉辦多少次測驗及考試?
  9. 貴校如何處理學生的學習差異?會否特別照顧能力較弱的學生或安排課後補課?有沒有資優教育方面的政策?對於讀寫障礙的學生是否有支援?
    答:本校Character Building Committee及Student Well-being Committee定期與進行級會議,讓老師可分享和交流在照顧學生個別差異的經驗和困難。
    此外,本校Academic Enhancement Committee統籌精進、鞏固班,按學生能力提升組支援個別學生之學習困難。圖書館亦不定期為有需要的學生舉辦學習技巧工作坊,
  10. 學生如何能獲取獎學金?
  1. 貴校如何執行語文政策?
  2. 貴校中文科是否用普通話授課?
  3. 甚麼是「人文科 (Humanities)」、「公經社科 (CES)」和「世界公民科 (GC)」?
  4. 「人文科」旨在培養學生的人文素養,藉由探討歷史所帶來的啟發,理解和反思現今社會的發展。而「世界公民科」則將學習的範圍從本地擴展至全球。學生透過探討聯合國提出的各項可持續發展目標 (SDGs) 來培養國際視野和公民意識。在這三科的學習中,學生將會「從過去中學習」、「探索現在」和「思考未來」。
  5. 何謂「學習無疆界」課程?學生是否一定要參加?
  1. 貴校會否每年調整學費?
  2. 貴校有沒有安排校車服務?
  3. 學生午飯的安排是如何?
  4. 貴校會提供哪些聯課活動?
  5. 貴校會否提供經濟援助予學生?
  1. 貴校有沒有成立家長教師會?
  2. 貴校有沒有駐校社工及學生輔導員?
  3. 貴校有否得到基督教教會在牧養工作上的支持?