Student Financial Assistance and Scholarship Scheme (SFASS) 學生獎助學金計劃

A. Background 背景

The SPKC Student Financial Assistance and Scholarship Scheme aims to support families with financial needs or students with outstanding performance, either in academic or non-academic aspects. They are:

School-based Financial Assistance Scheme 校本學生資助計劃

 and 及

SPKC Scholarship Scheme 培基獎學金計劃

A total amount about two million dollars, 10% of total tuition fee, will be budgeted for this purpose in every academic year. The amount of funding offered will be assessed by a relevant working group comprising Principal, Vice-principals, senior staffs, respective teachers and school social worker.

B. Categories 項目

School-based Financial Assistance Scheme 校本學生資助計劃
(Refer to Part C for details 詳情請參閱C部份)

  1. School Fee Remission 
  2. Student Activity Subsidies (SAS)
  3. Special Education Need (SEN) Support 
  4. LEWOWA Subsidies 
  5. Emergency Family Support 

SPKC Scholarship Scheme 培基獎學金計劃
(Refer to Part D for details 詳情請參閱D部份)

  1. All-round Development Scholarship
  2. Academic High Achievers Scholarship (Internal Exam)
  3. Academic High Achievers Scholarship (External Exam)
  4. Academic Excellence Scholarship
  5. Outstanding CCA / OLE Performance Scholarship
    聯課活動 /其他學習經歷傑出表現獎學金
  6. Outstanding Performance in External Competition
  7. Principal’s Admission Scholarship (PAS)

C. School-based Financial Assistance Scheme 校本財政資助計劃

There are four types of financial assistance in SPKC available to students:

  1. School Fee Remission 學費減免
    With reference to the Student Finance Office, the school adopted the following means test to assess the eligibility of a family for student financial assistance and its assistance level. Based on the following formula, the “Adjusted Family Income” (AFI) mechanism will be used:

    AFI = Gross annual income of the family 
     Number of family members + (1)
    「調整後家庭收入」 = 家庭全年總收入    
     家庭成員人數 + (1)

    Gross annual income of the family includes the annual income of the applicant and his / her spouse; 30% of the annual income of the unmarried child / children residing with the family if applicable; and the contribution from relatives / friends if applicable. (Mandatory Provident Fund or Provident Fund contribution by the employee is not included.)
    The members of a family normally refer to the applicant, his / her spouse, unmarried child / children residing with the family and the dependent parent(s) who are supported by the applicant and / or his / her spouse.
    For single-parent families of 2 to 3 members, the ‘plus 1 factor’ in the divisor of the AFI formula will be increased to 2.
    家庭全年總收入包括申請人及其配偶的全年收入,與申請人家庭同住的未婚子女的全年收入的30% (如適用),以及親友給予的津助 (如適用)。(計算時不包括僱員強積金及公積金供款)
    註:二至三人的單親家庭,公式中除數的 (+1) 將會增加至 (+2)。

    1. Level of Fee Remission 學費減免幅度
      The AFI eligibility benchmarks for various levels of assistance in the 2024/25 school year are listed below.  Please note that the AFI is not the average monthly income of a family. 下表詳列 2024/25 學年的「調整後家庭收入」組別的資助幅度。請注意「調整後家庭收入」並不是家庭每月的平均收入
      AFI Groups (HK$)Level of Assistance
      0 – 44,495Full*
      44,496 – 86,039Half
      > 86,039Ineligible
      0 至 44,495全額*
      44,496 至 86,039半額
      超過 86,039不合資格

      The ceiling of deductible medical expenses for each family member is $23,310 per year in 2024/25.

      2024/25 學年每名家庭成員可扣減的醫療開支上限為全年 23,310 元。

      * The AFI thresholds for full level of assistance for 3-member and 4-member families are $53,868 and $49,559 respectively in the 2024/25 school year.  For 2-member single-parent families and 3-member single-parent families, they are regarded as 3-member families and 4-member families respectively for determining the AFI thresholds for full level of assistance and calculation of AFI.

      * 2024/25 學年 3人家庭和4人家庭可獲全額資助的「調整後家庭收入」上限分別為 $53,868和$49,559。就2人和3人單親家庭而言,有關家庭會分別被視為3人和4人家庭,以決定可獲資助的「調整後家庭收入」 上限及計算「調整後家庭收入」。

    2. AFI Simulator「調整後家庭收入」模擬計算器
      Please click here to execute AFI simulator
    3. Fee Remission Application Guidelines 學費減免申請指引
      Please click here to download

    4. Notes for How to Complete School Fee Remission Application Form 填寫學費減免申請表格須知
      Please click here to download

    5. Application form for Fee Remission 學費減免申請表
      Please click here to download
  2. Student Activity Subsidies (SAS) 學生活動資助
    Student Activities Subsidy caters for students with financial difficulties to join different co-curricular activities and programmes.

    1. Guidelines for application for SAS 學生活動資助申請指引
      Please click here to download

    2. Application form for Financial Assistance in School Activities 學校活動資助申請表格
      Please click here to download

  3. Special Education Need (SEN) Support 特別學習需要資助
    SEN students with financial needs can benefit from this subsidy for the expenses of assessment, remedial programme and follow up. Students who are nominated/ referred by teachers for Special Education Needs (SEN) / Counselling Service Assessment can also apply this subsidy for the assessment expenses.有特殊學習需要的學生如有經濟困難,可以向校方申請資助評估費用、參與發展課程的費用或其他資助。由老師推薦參與特殊學習需要/ 輔導服務之學生亦可申請資助評估支出。
  4. LEWOWA Subsidies 「學習無疆界」活動資助
    Learning Without Walls Programme is a school-based curriculum which provides diverse experiential and activity-based learning courses for our students. It extends students perspective towards learning through integration of multiple learning skills and different subject knowledge.

    「學習無疆界」是本校其中一項校本課程,為培育學生對世界有廣闊的胸襟,且拓展他們的國際視野,使他們能親身探索及體驗文化的多元性。This subsidy aims to support students with financial difficulties in participating LEWOWA so as to let all students have opportunities to take part in different kinds of learning programmes during their study in SPKC.
  5. Emergency Family Support 緊急家庭支援
    Any students whose family is experiencing financial hardship due to sudden and unforeseen circumstances arising during a school year may, at any time, apply to the school for the Emergency Family Support (including expenses on school fee, lunch fee, daily expenses and school uniform etc.). The school may offer a special remission to these families according the application on compassionate grounds.

    任何在學同學的家庭如遇到特殊經濟困難,可以向本校申請緊急家庭支援﹝包括學費、午膳、同學日常支出或校服等等需要﹞。學校將就個別有關申請作出處理。Parents or students may apply for this remission through the class teacher.

D. SPKC Scholarship Scheme 培基獎學金計劃

There are seven types of scholarships in SPKC:

  1. All-round Development Scholarships 全人發展獎學金
    It aims to promote all-round development and encourage SPKC students to strive excellence in different aspects (Intellectual, social, physical & aesthetic and ethics development).
    本獎學金計劃目的為鼓勵學生的全面發展,範疇包括︰智能、社交、體能及美學、與道德發展等。Items of this scholarship: 本獎學金包括
    1. All-round Student Awards (2 students elected by all subject teachers in each form)
      全人發展獎 (由全體老師於每級中選出兩位學生)
    2. “We are the Best Class” Award
  2. Academic High Achievers Scholarships (Internal Exam) 學業優異獎學金(校內考試)
    It aims to recognize and encourage students’ achievements in internal examinations.

    Items of this scholarship: 本獎學金包括
    1. Academic Awards in Form 全級學業成績獎
      1. Junior Form (rank: 1-10 & 11-30) 低年級(全級名列第一至第十名及第十一至第三十名)
      2. Senior Form (in Class) (rank: 1-3 & 4-6) 高年級(全班名列第一至第三名及第四至第六名)
    2. Academic Progress Awards in Form and Class 每級及每班學業成績進步獎
    3. Subject Awards in Form 全級學科獎
  3. Academic High Achievers Scholarships (External Exam) 學業優異獎學金(校外考試)
    It aims to recognize and encourage students’ achievements in external examinations. Students must have studied at SPKC in the year of examination and got good results in the approved external examinations, including HKDSE.

  4. Academic Excellence Scholarship 學業卓越獎學金
    It is the most honorable academic award in SPKC which aims to recognize the excellent public examination results obtained by our top student.

    本獎學金為嘉許在公開考試取得卓越成績的本校優秀學生,是本校至高榮譽的學術獎項。A full grant of 1st year tuition fee for the admitted undergraduate degree programme will be awarded to the student. The maximum value of this scholarship is around HK$42,100 (equivalent to the annual local university tuition).
    獎學金會頒發給該名已註冊入讀大學第一年課程的學生。最高獎學金金額約為港幣四萬二千一佰元 (相等於本地大學的一年學費)。
  5. Outstanding CCA/ OLE Performance Scholarship 聯課活動/其他學習經歷傑出表現獎學金
    It aims to recognize and encourage students’ achievements in Co-curricular Activities (CCA)/ Other Learning Experience (OLE).

    Items of this scholarship: 本獎學金包括
    1. Annual CCA Awards
    2. Awards of Serving Hearts
    3. Conduct Awards/ Conduct Progress Awards
    4. Best School Teams Awards
  6. Scholarship for Outstanding Performance in External Competitions 校外比賽傑出表現
    It aims to recognize outstanding students’ achievements in external competitions and also attract students with high caliber. Students who represent SPKC, or even the territory, to take part in international competitions, ticket and accommodation fee can be subsidized in proportion.

  7. Principal’s Admission Scholarship (PAS) 校長新生獎學金

    The Principal’s Admission Scholarship (PAS) is offered to potential S.1 high-flyers who have good potential to be leaders and high achievers in SPKC. They are expected to be:

    1. Servant Leaders 僕人領袖
    2. Positive Thinkers 正向思維
    3. Keen Learners 積極學習
    4. Confident Explorers 勇於探索

a. Tomorrow’s Leader Scholarship 明日領袖獎學金

Tomorrow’s Leader Scholarship is awarded to successful S.1 applicants who have outstanding performance in academic studies, conduct, co-curricular activities and the admission interviews. The scholarship is equivalent to the annual SPKC school fee of 6 years. As long as the student maintains his/her rank in form in the top 25% in each academic year, he/she will get the renewal of the scholarship next year until his/her graduation.

b. Promising Student Scholarship 明日之星獎學金

Promising Student Scholarship is awarded to successful S.1 applicants who have excellent interview performance and good potential. The scholarship is equivalent to the SPKC S.1 annual school fee. If an awardee ranks among the top 10% in form in the annual academic result and has a good conduct grade in S.1, his/her scholarship will be upgraded to the Tomorrow’s Leader Scholarship.

c. Primary School Principal Recommendation Scholarship 小學校長推薦獎學金 (By Invitation Only 只限獲邀小學)

Primary School Principal Recommendation Scholarship is awarded to successful S.1 applicants who are recommended by their primary school principals and can fulfil the following requirements:

i. rank among the top 25% in form in the Primary 6 academic result; and
ii. obtain B+ or above in conduct; and
iii. perform well in the admission interviews.

The scholarship is equivalent to the SPKC S.1 annual school fee. If an awardee ranks among the top 30 positions in form in the annual academic result and has a good conduct grade in S.1, his/her scholarship will be extended.

Invitations will be sent to the selected primary schools in November every year.

For any queries regarding the SFASS, please contact Ms. Tse of the School Accounts Section at 2345 4567.

如對本校學生獎助學金計劃有任何查詢,請致電2345 4567與會計部謝小姐聯絡。