The Interim Prize Presentation Ceremony 2012- 2013 was held on 11 March 2013 at our school hall. |
本校2012-2013年度中期頒獎典禮已於二零一三年三月十一日(星期一)在本校禮堂舉行。 |
Over 100 students were awarded in the ceremony, namely Best School Team Awards, Outstanding CCA Awards, Academic Progress Awards, Subject Awards in Form, Academic Awards in Class and so on. |
頒獎典禮共頒發獎項給超過一百位學生,表揚他們各方面的成就。獎項分別為:最佳團隊獎、聯課活動獎、學業成績進步獎、全級學科成績獎及全班學業成績獎等。 |
Students gathered in the school hall for the Interim Prize Presentation Ceremony. |
同學們聚首一堂參加中期頒獎典禮。 |
Our Principal Mr Peter YUEN delivered his words of encouragement to students. |
袁校長語重心長的訓勉同學。 |
Our Principal Mr Peter YUEN presented CCA Awards – Outstanding Musician to students. |
袁校長頒發聯課活動獎(傑出音樂家)。 |
Our Vice-Principal Dr. Ruby Cheung presented Academic Awards in Class to senior form students. |
張瑞霞副校長頒發高年級全班學業成績獎。 |
Our Vice-Principal Mr. William Lee presented Academic Awards in Class to junior form students. |
李建鋒副校長頒發低年級全班學業成績獎。 |
Ms Dora NG presented Academic Progress Awards to students. |
伍慧勤老師頒發學業成績進步獎。 |
Ms YEUNG Siu Wai presented Subject Awards to students. |
楊小惠老師頒發全級學科成績獎。 |
A student representative interviewed Ms. Diana Chung and Mr. Taddy Yeung about their successful school lives and learning strategies. |
學生代表訪問鍾瑤琪老師和楊紫軒老師於求學期的生活點滴和讀書心得。 |