The Speech Day this year was so special because for the first and perhaps the last time, we have two graduating classes, making it a very joyful and lively celebration. We wish all graduates success and always maintain the SPKC spirit; to become an educated person, who upholds themselves with good values, and to do good deeds for those around us while giving glory and honor to the Lord our God. |
本屆培基畢業典禮十分特別,由於新學制的銜接關係,中六和中七的師兄師姊同時一起畢業,正因為這樣,培基一家聚首一堂,更顯熱鬧。祝福培基的所有畢業生秉持培基精神,成為一個才德兼備、榮神益人的社會一份子! |
We were joined by our honored guests such as our Special Consultant (Student Development & Parent Ed.), Dr. Philemon Choi, School Acting Supervisor Ms. Rosa Pang, Mr. Jimmy Chiu CEO of the Stewards and more. |
蔡元雲醫生、署理校監彭秋嫦律師及行政總裁趙立基先生等等是本屆畢業禮嘉賓。 |
The acting supervisor, Ms. Rosa Pang delivered a speech for the graduates. |
署理校監彭秋嫦律師為畢業生致詞。 |
Our Principal, Mr. Peter Yuen, mentioned the achievements of SPKC in this academic year. |
袁校長在致辭中肯定了培基書院在過去一年來在各方面的成就。 |
Dr. Philemon Choi congratulated our graduates for their achievements. |
蔡元雲醫生恭賀眾畢業生。 |
As the students received their graduation certificates from Dr. Philemon Choi, it also signified the end of their school lives in SPKC. |
同學們在蔡元雲醫生手上接過畢業證書,標誌著六年及七年的培基生活告一段落。 |
Mr. Jimmy Chiu, the CEO of the Stewards, presented prizes to the graduates. |
趙立基先生向畢業生頒發各項獎項。 |
Anna Ho (6 Faith) delivered her Valedictory speech. |
6 FAITH 何綽忻同學代表畢業生致詞。 |
The Passing of the Light Ceremony represented the SPKC values which will be passed on to the next generations. |
傳光禮儀式象徵培基書院精神薪火相傳。 |
12 teachers and 2 supporting staff were presented the “Five-year Service Award” |
十二位老師及兩位學校員工獲頒發五年服務獎。 |
The School Choir performed a song “Friends of Life” for the graduates to express their blessings to the big brothers and sisters |
學校合唱團為師兄師姐高歌一曲送上祝福。 |
Graduates took photos with teachers after the ceremony. |
畢業禮完結後,學生紛紛與老師拍照留念。 |
This was not our first Speech Day, but it was meaningful to us. This ceremony not only means the completion of educational mission, but also reflects God’s blessings in the past several years. It is wished that SPKC will have more graduates and will be experiencing abundant grace from God in the years to come. |
是次畢業典禮對本校來說別具意義,因它不但是學校肩負教育使命的圓滿體現,亦深深表現出神在這七年的同行和祝福。往後,培基仍會有無數的畢業典禮,在此祝福培基一家,每年經歷主恩更多。 |