The Student Leaders Inauguration Ceremony 2012-2013 was held on Oct 15, 2012. All the newly established student bodies and leaders, including the Student Union, the Prefect Team, the House Committees (Saviour, Priest, King, Christ), the Sports Association and the Music Association, were presented badges, which signified the importance of their duties in SPKC. All these student leaders took oath before the school supervisor, principals, guests, teachers and schoolmates that they would strive for excellence in all areas and promised to be role models in SPKC. Besides, there were representatives from School Service Teams who were introduced so as to symbolize their serving role in School as well. |
Special thanks to our MC, Jimmy Lui and Samantha Wong (Head Prefect 2011 – 12),as well as Sharon So (Chairperson of the 3rd Student Union) who led the ceremony and shared what they have learnt and experienced in their term of office last year. |
This ceremony marked the start of student leaders’ duties in contributing to SPKC in this academic year. |
培基書院學生領袖就職典禮已於十月十五日舉行。所有本屆新任學生領袖,包括:學生會、領袖生、紅社、藍社、黃社、綠社、體育聯會及音樂聯會,已於台上由校長及副校長們頒授徽章,突顯其職銜的重要性及領導地位。所有學生領袖於校監、校長、嘉賓、全體教師及學生面前宣誓,立志成為師弟妹們的榜樣。除此之外,司儀介紹了分別由學生服務團體派出的代表,讓同學對學校的其他服務團隊有進一步的認識。 |
特別鳴謝吕光正同學和黃詩曼同學為是次典禮之司儀(2012至2013年度總領袖生)及蘇靖然同學(第三屆學生會主席),並分別分享任內經驗及得著,豐富了是次就職典禮的意義。是次典禮順利完成,而學生領袖的職務亦隨即展開。 |
The opening speech given by our school supervisor, Ms Rosa Pang |
學生領袖就職典禮由校監彭秋嫦女士致詞 |
Sharing from Sharon So, the chairperson of Student Union in 2011-2012 |
第三屆學生會主席蘇靖然同學分享學生領袖心得 |
Our principal, Mr Peter Yuen, witnessed the oath-taking of Student Union in SPKC |
袁校長監督學生會內閣成員宣誓並頒授徽章 |
The oath-taking of SU led by their chairperson Carlton Wan |
第四屆學生會主席還立博同學帶領宣誓 |
Oath-taking by the Student Union |
第四屆學生會宣誓 |
Our honorable guest, Sergeant Woo, witnessed the oath taking of school’s Prefect Team |
胡警長監督領袖生團隊宣誓並頒授徽章 |
Oath-taking by the Prefect Team |
全體領袖生宣誓 |
Our vice-principal, Dr Ruby Cheung, witnessed the oath-taking of the 4-houses |
張副校長監督四社社幹事宣誓並頒授徽章 |
The oath-taking by the 4-Houses |
四社社幹事宣誓 |
Our vice-principal, Mr William Lee, witnessed the oath taking of sport association and music association |
李副校長監督體育聯會及音樂聯會宣誓並頒授徽章 |
Oath-taking led by Sports Association and Music Association |
體育聯會及音樂聯會宣誓 |
Student leaders in other school service’s teams |
學生服務團體 |
Our students were sharing their enjoyment with those student leaders |
學生們於台下與學生領袖們分享喜悅 |