The parents’ night for S.2 and S.3 students was successfully held in the school hall on 13th September, 2013. Many parents were interested and attended this meaningful event. |
中二及中三級家長晚會已於九月十三日在學校禮堂舉行。很多家長踴躍出席是次別具意義的晚會。 |
Mr. Peter YUEN, our Principal, shared with the parents during the parents’ talk. |
袁彼得校長和家長們分享。 |
The arrangement of the parents’ night for S.2 and S.3 parents is as follows: |
是次中二及中三家長晚會的安排分別如下: |
中二 |
19:00-20:00 |
Parents’ talk
a. I have a date with Reading
b. ‘e-campus @ SPKC 2.0’
a. 我和閱讀有個約會
b. 電子校園@培基2.0 |
Mr. William LEE, Ms. Siu Wai YEUNG, Mr. Jimmy TSE
李建鋒副校長、楊小惠老師、謝敏聲老師 |
20:00-20:45 |
Meeting with class teachers
與班主任會面 |
Class teachers
班主任 |
中三 |
19:15-20:00 |
Meeting with class teachers
與班主任會面 |
Class teachers
班主任 |
20:00-20:45 |
Subject selection talk
選科講座 |
Mr. William LEE, Mr. Neville TANG, Mr. Roy LAM
李建鋒副校長、鄧樂明老師、林華耀老師 |
For S.2 parents, the talk was held by Mr. William LEE, our Vice Principal, Ms. Siu Wai YEUNG, the Panel Head of Chinese Department and Mr. Jimmy TSE, the Head of IT Committee. There are mainly two sections in this talk. |
李建鋒副校長,中文科主任楊小惠老師和學校資訊科技主任謝敏聲老師為中二學生家長主持講座。是次講座涵蓋兩個部分。 |
First, Ms. Siu Wai YEUNG explained a reading scheme for S.2 students. She shared her experience in nurturing students’ reading habit and emphasized the importance of reading. It is hoped that through this reading scheme, students can develop a reading habit which further enhances their knowledge. |
Second, more in-depth information about our e-campus had been introduced to parents. Mr. Jimmy TSE introduced the e-book system and taught the parents how to read the e-book. |
首先,楊小惠老師介紹中二學生的閱讀計劃。她分享自己如何培養學生養成閱讀習慣的經驗,並強調閱讀的重要性。我們期望透過這個計劃,學生能養成一個良好的閱讀習慣,從而增強他們的課外知識。 |
另外,我們亦向家長介紹更多關於e-campus的資訊。謝敏聲老師介紹e-book系統和指導家長如何閱讀e-book。 |
Ms. Siu Wai YEUNG explained the strategies to nurture students’ reading interest. |
楊小惠老師向家長介紹一些可以培養學生閱讀興趣的策略。 |
Except S.2 parents, a parents’ talk regarding subject selection was also held for S.3 parents. It aims at enabling students and parents to understand more about the New Senior Secondary (NSS) curriculum and the subject selection criteria and method. This talk was given by Mr. William LEE, Mr. Neville TANG, the Head of Academic Administration Committee, and Mr. Roy LAM, the Career Guidance Master. |
除了中二學生外,李建鋒副校長,學務主任鄧樂明老師和升學及就業輔導組主任林華耀老師為中三學生家長主持選科講座,讓新學制下的學生和家長更明白新高中學制 (NSS)和選科的條件和方法。 |
Mr. William LEE explained the subject selection under the NSS curriculum. |
李建鋒副校長向家長解釋有關新高中學制選科的有關事宜。 |
Mr. Peter YUEN, Mr. William LEE and Ms. Cindy YUEN, our Vice Principal and teachers responded to parents’ enquiries during Q & A session. |
袁彼得校長,李建鋒副校長,袁淑儀副校長及一眾老師回應家長疑問。 |
Not only does the parents’ night allow parents to understand their children’s campus life and academic results, but it also facilitates the communication between the parents and the school. This cooperation provides a better academic support for students as well as enables parents and us to nurture the pillar of society in the future together. |
是次家長晚會不但讓家長知道更多有關其子女在校園的生活和學業情況,更可以增強家長與學校之間的溝通,藉此能為學生提供更好的學習支援,讓我們共同培養社會未來的棟樑。 |
Besides, the powerpoint slides for these talks are available in e-class and parents can download them from the website. |
除此之外,家長可於e-class下載是次講座之投影片。 |