S.1 Parent-Child Day


     To strengthen the bond between parents and their children and to let parents have a better understanding SPKC as a ‘Nurturing Community’, the School, Breakthrough Ltd. and Abundant Grace Church jointly organized the “S.1 Parent-Child Day” on 12 September. Even though S1 parents can yet to enter the school campus, they still showed enthusiasm through our online meeting. 

WhatsApp Image 2020-09-12 at 9.22.53 AM

A warm welcome from our Principal LEE and Vice Principal Mr. LUI.

     A live sharing delivered by Dr. Choi Yuen Wan, Philemon, Founder and Honorary General Secretary of the Breakthrough Organization. Being our school advisor, Dr Choi  pledged to walk with Pooikeinian parents for all 6 years. To grow with the next generation, he reminded parents the importance of equipping themselves with the right mentality and parenting skills through joining the parents’ talk. 


Rev. Alan Lee of Abundant Grace Church introduced the Parents’ Talks to our S.1 Parents.

     If parents want to have a better gist of being a Pooikeinian, what’s better to hear form  “experienced” Pooikeinian parents? Many parents of senior form students’ shared their valuable nurturing experiences and precious memories in SPKC. 

    Over 150 S1 families participated in the event. As a nurturing community, we are thankful to have all the supportive parents, teachers and partners. The overall responses from the parents were positive and encouraging.
