English Reading Fair 2022-2023


Reading Fair was an event organized by the English Department on 3rd-5th May that showcased the fruit of S2 students’ reading journey. 

Based on some books they have read in class, the students were asked to create vivid visualizations of any scenes, props or characters from the stories. The chosen groups were invited to display and share their works during the Reading Fair and any Pooikeinians could come visit and vote for the best design.

Here are some of the works displayed:

Students shared their lovely designs and the stories behind to their teachers and schoolmates.

Both teachers and students had a wonderful time with the insightful book sharings.

The winners for the Best Design go to….

Champion: 2F Bless Fan and 2L Joy Fan

1st Runner-up: 2F Jasmine Chau

2nd Runner-up: 2L Oki To

We are honored to have Principal Lee present the prizes to the awardees with Ms Eva Yuen and Mr. Dane Powell.
