The End of School Year Service 2017-18 was held on 6 th July, 2018 in our school hall. Awards were presented to students who had remarkable achievements throughout the academic year. |
本校2017-2018年度結業頒獎典禮已於二零一八年七月六日(星期五)在本校禮堂舉行。頒獎典禮為褒揚於本學年有優異成績的同學。 |
Our Principal, Mr. Peter YUEN shared with students his insights on the right attitude towards studies in his opening speech. Mr. YUEN reminded students not to give up encountering temporary failures or obstacles and to maintain a positive and persistent attitude using star players in the 2018 World Cup, such as Messi, indicating how unpredictable the result of a match would be. Thus, students are encouraged to stay optimistic facing hindrances. |
袁彼得校長在演講中分享他對學習態度的心得。袁校長借二零一八世界杯中眾球星如美斯的例子,勸勉培基學生遇到困難時不要輕言放棄,像球賽裡不到最後一秒都不知道輸贏去勉勵學生們應保持正面的態度。 |
Over 100 students were awarded in the ceremony, including Conduct Awards, Academic Progress Awards, Subject Awards in Form, Academic Awards in Form and so on. |
頒獎典禮中共頒發獎項給超過一百位學生,表揚他們各方面的成就。獎項包括良好操行獎、學業成績進步獎、全級學科成績優異獎及全級學業成績優異獎等。 |
Outstanding Award in Reading Scheme |
閱讀獎勵計劃 |
The Chinese Panel Head, Ms. Siu Wai YEUNG presented the Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards in Reading Schemes to representatives from S1 to S3. |
中文科科主任楊小惠頒發閱讀計劃金銀銅獎予得獎同學的代表們。 |
The 69th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival |
第六十九屆香港校際朗誦節 |
Ms. Siu Wai YEUNG and the Putonghua Panel Head, Ms. Joanna LEUNG presented awards to students who performed very well in the 69th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival. |
楊小惠老師與普通話科科主任梁建欣老師頒發獎項給在第六十九屆香港學校朗誦節表現優異的學生們。 |
Hong Kong Schools Debating Competition |
香港校際辯論比賽 |
The Mathematic Panel Head, Mr. Genthew LEUNG and Ms Joanna LEUNG presented trophies to students performing exquisitely in Hong Kong Schools Debating Competition. |
數學科科主任梁以豪老師以及梁建欣老師頒發獎杯予香港中學辯論比賽得獎同學。 |
Arithmetic and Business-related Competitions |
數學及商業比賽 |
Mr. Genthew LEUNG presented awards from the Statistical Project Competition for Secondary School Students, Huaxiabei National Mathematics Olympic Invitation Competition 2018, Statistics Creative-writing Competition for Secondary School Students, JA Company and Wofoo Millennium Entrepreneurship Programme to awardees. |
梁以豪老師頒發2017/18年度中學生統計習作比賽、「華夏杯」全國數學奧林匹克邀請賽2018全國總決賽、2017/2018年統計創意寫作比賽、JA 學生營商體驗計劃以及和富千禧企業家精神計劃獎項給得獎同學。 |
Sports and Music Awards |
運動及音樂比賽獎項 |
Head of Information Technology, Mr. Jimmy TSE and Head of Academic Administration, Mr. Neville TANG presented the following awards from Inter-school Swimming Championships, Inter-school Volleyball Competition, 2017-18 HKFA-Jockey Club Futsal Cup (School Division) for East of New Territories, the 70th Hong Kong Schools Music Festival, Hong Kong International Handbell Olympics 2018, the 54th Schools Dance Festival and other awards to Pooikeinians who strived for excellence throughout the school year. |
資訊科技主任謝敏聲老師及學務主任鄧樂明老師頒發中學校際游泳比賽、全港中學校際排球比賽、2017-2018年度賽馬會五人足球盃(學校組) – 新界東分站、第七十屆香港校際音樂節、香港國際手鈴節奧林匹克2018及第54屆學校舞蹈節等其他獎項予本年度追求卓越的培基人們。 |
Conduct Award and Conduct Progress Award |
良好操行獎及操行進步獎 |
Head of Student Affairs, Mr. Samuel LUI presented Conduct Awards and Conduct Progress Awards to Pooikeinians who have demonstrated positive personalities and improvements in daily performance. |
學生事務主任呂浩榮老師頒發良好操行獎及操行進步獎給品行良好以及行為表現有顯著進步的同學們。 |
Academic Progress Award in Class with PTA Scholarship |
學業成績進步獎連獎學金 |
Liberal studies panel head Ms. Miranda TANG presented the Academic Progress Award in Class and PTA scholarship to S1 to S5 students who have apparent growth in academic results throughout the year. |
通識科科主任鄧潔麗老師頒發學業成績進步獎以及家長教師會獎學金給整年度學業上有明顯成果中一至中五的同學們。 |
PSSE Award in Class with Abundant Grace Church Scholarship |
班際生命成長科獎與宣道會廣恩堂獎學金 |
Pastor Winky WONG presented PSSE Award in Class with Abundant Grace Church Scholarship to S1 to S5 awardees. |
黃詠貽傳道頒發班際生命成長科獎與宣道會廣恩堂獎學金給中一到中五的得獎同學。 |
Subject Award in Form with Scholarship |
學科成績優異獎連獎學金 |
Our Vice Principal, Mr. William LEE presented Subject Awards in Form with Scholarship to S1, 2, 4 and 5 awardees whereas our Vice Principal, Ms. Cindy YUEN presented Subject Awards in Form with Scholarship to S3 awardees. |
李建鋒副校長頒發學科成績優異獎予中一、二、四及五級得獎同學,袁淑儀副校長則頒獎給中三得獎者。 |
Academic Award with Scholarship |
學業成績優異獎連獎學金 |
Our Vice Principal Ms. Cindy YUEN presented Academic Awards to S1 to S5 Pooikeinians. |
袁淑儀副校長頒發學業成績優異獎予中一至中五級學生。 |
Annual Awards: Outstanding CCA Award, Award of Serving Heart and Best School Team Award |
年度大獎: 聯課活動/其他學習經歷傑出表現獎,服務獎以及最佳學校團隊獎 |
Our Principal, Mr. Peter YUEN presented the annual grand prizes: Outstanding CCA Awards, Awards of Serving Heart and Best School Team Awards to Pooikeinians with pride. |
袁彼得校長頒發各項年度大獎包括: 聯課活動/其他學習經歷傑出表現獎,服務獎以及最佳學校團隊獎。 |
Best School Team Award (Intellectual Development): English Debate Team and BAFS Society |
Best School Team Award (Aesthetic Development): English Drama Club |
Best School Team Award (Physical Development): Basketball Team Boys and Girls Grade C |
Best School Team Award (School and Community Service): Stage Management Team |
Stewards Pooi Kei College All-Round Student Award |
培基書院全人發展獎 |
Our Principal, Mr. Peter YUEN, presented SPKC All-Round Student Awards to S1 to S5 awardees who achieved exceptionally and variedly. |
袁校長頒發培基書院全人發展獎予中一至中五文武雙全的培基人。 |
In students’ smiles and applause, the End of School Year Service draws a perfect closing to the academic year 2017-2018. |
在學生的笑聲與掌聲中,結業頒獎典禮為二零一七至二零一八學年劃上完美的句號。 |