為響應世界閱讀日,以及鼓勵學生閱讀,本年度圖書館續辦漂書活動! 校長、全體教職員、工友,以及同學們都十分踴躍參加,「放漂」好書,並填寫「漂書心意卡」,共享閱讀樂趣,以書會友! |
Share your meaningful book with others! In order to respond to the World Book Day, this year, the library held the book crossing event again! All of the participants including principals, teachers, janitors and students crossed their books to connect among each other and share the joy! |
Librarians were waiting for anyone, got your books prepared? |
你今日漂咗未?一大清早,圖書館學生管理員笑容可掬,站在門外,歡迎同學來漂書。 |
Board? Book crossing voucher? Book crossing coupon? Service is ready! Let’s welcome the grand opening of Book Crossing Event! |
壁佈板?漂書心意卡?漂書券?服務櫃?這些都準備好了!圖書館漂書活動──漂給友情人,正式開始! |
Ms Yuen is writing her “Book Crossing Card” with all the blessings and her lessons learnt in her reading journeys which awaits the recognition of the new owners of her books. |
一張又一張「漂書心意卡」,滿載袁綺筠老師對「放漂」圖書的閱讀心得。 |
Not only books are carried across in this event but the love of reading and passing on of stories and experience are also precious sharing among participants. |
師生們分享的,不只是一本圖書而已,而是透過填寫「漂書心意卡」,記下自己閱讀時的心得及感受,惠澤他人! |
3 shelves filled with books collected from staff and students comprising a small library of wisdom and joy of reading. |
你看!不消數天,共三層高的流動書架已給擺上老師們及學生們「放漂」的書籍,儼如一個小小的圖書閣,滿載前人的知識及經驗。 |
Mr. Edmond Shiu discussing with students delightfully about the books they crossed. |
蕭春霖老師與同學談談書中內容,交流心得。 |
Books are natural bonds between students and teachers as shown by how Mr. Sean Yu is enjoying the selection of books with a student. |
一本圖書,成為師生之間溝通的好橋樑!圖中余國富老師正與學生一同揀選合適書籍,樂在其中。 |
This is the end of one reading journey but a commencement of another experience. This tradition will be passed on and see you everywhere! |
為期兩天的漂書活動已圓滿結束,展望將來,圖書館會再接再厲,繼續舉辦相類之活動,讓師生共享閱讀及分享的樂趣。 |