The 2019-20 school year ended with a closing ceremony webcast live on June 12, 2020. This year’s End of School Year Service was truly a different one. The school hall was empty, but the spirit of Pooikenians remained full.
Our Principal Mr William Lee delivered his words of encouragement to students.
Pic 2 The principal shared about some core tips for dealing with changes.
Pic 3 The End of school year does not only mark an end; it also marks a start for the next year. The principal encouraged all Pooikeinians to set clear goals and make full use of the summer.
Pic 4 The principal encouraged Pooikeinians to stay positive by citing a quote of the former president of South Africa, Nelson Mandela.
Pic 5 At the end of the ceremony, the Principal led all Pooikeinians to sing the school hymn together.
With what seemed to be limitations of social distancing, Pooikenians were able to gather at home with family and joined the ceremony, and celebrated a year of fruitful learning together.