BAFS Department organized a Personal Finance Week, from 11 to 15 December 2017, to promote the importance of personal financial management as well as entrepreneurship. |
With the cooperation of different teams and departments, a series of activities were successfully held with positive feedback from Pooikeinians. The activities included morning article-reading, book exhibition, lunchtime radio broadcasts, movie appreciation, trial of investment board game, company visit, and, last but not least, S3 3D-printing Mascot Design Voting. |
S3 students were voting for their favourite classes in the S3 3D-printing Mascot Design Competition. |
A group photo of S3 winning classes with the Principal, Mr. Peter Yuen and BAFS teachers, Mr. Simon Leung and Ms. Jovi Ma |
The highlight of this year’s Personal Finance Week was the S3 3D-printing Mascot Design Competition organized jointly by the BAFS and ICT Department. S3 students designed their restaurant mascots based on the promotion tactics learned from BAFS and 3D-modeling technique from ICT. All junior students and teachers could vote for their favourite Mascot designed by the S3 classes. The S3 winning classes were presented with certificates and gifts. |
Thanks to the help from Library, reading articles were prepared for all students, sharing the significance of early saving and consumption discipline. Recommended business-related books were displayed in the Library for students’ borrowing. |
During lunchtime, students learned personal finance knowledge along with corresponding pop songs during English and Putonghua radio broadcasts. Besides radio broadcasts, they could also watch a range of business-themed television episodes on Campus TV. |
Students were reading and borrowing the books chosen from book exhibition. |
Students were paying good attention to the Japanese comedy “A Farewell to Jinu”. |
Students were playing “Stock Trading Guru” joyfully under the guidance of teachers and S4 BAFS students. |
Two activities were prepared for students after-school. A Japanese comedy called “A Farewell to Jinu” was shown to discuss two sides of money through a story of a man suffering from money allergy. Moreover, under the guidance of S4 BAFS students, junior form students played a board game called “Stock Trading Guru” to gain more understanding of Hong Kong stock investment. |
A number of S5 BAFS students visited the Training Academy of Chow Tai Fook Jewelry, a listed Hong Kong jewellery retailer. Besides the sharing of company’s background, they also experienced mock interviews and a role-play as a salesperson. |
A group photo with students’ and teachers’ smiley faces after visiting Chow Tai Fook Jewelry |
S5 students were acting as jewellery salespersons in a simulated sales counter. |
S5 students were doing a mock interview in applying different positions in Chow Tai Fook Jewelry. |