The Parents’ Night 2011 acting as a platform of parent-school communication and collaboration at the beginning of the School Year, was successfully held on 30/9 with the participation of over a thousand parents. |
Apart from meeting the class teachers, three parents’ talks were respectively held targeting on the parents of the children in different forms at the Parents’ Night. |
With our greatest pleasure, the S1 Parents’ Talk was given by our guest speaker Dr. Philemon CHOI Y. W., the Honorary General Secretary of Breakthrough Ltd., to equip parents in family education aspect. Besides, facing the New Senior School curriculum, a talk to S3 parents was delivered on the subject of course selection by our Vice-principal, Mr. William LEE. |
On the other hand, S6 to S7 parents enthusiastically attended the JUPAS Talk offered by Mr. William LEE and Mr. Roy LAM, the Careers Guidance Master, with all their concerns towards children’s further studies and career development. Different inquiries such as the operation of JUPAS and the impact of double cohort were raised and explained in the Talk. |
At the encouraging and delightful end of the Parents’ Night, parents had a full picture of how their children are being nurtured in SPKC and the efforts teachers put on them. It is thankful that parents show their sincere appreciation, support and trust to the School and teachers, which is a true practice of what we always value – parent-school communication and collaboration. |
九月三十日晚是本校一年一度的家長晚會,當晚有逾千名家長出席參與。各位家長均把握這次會見班主任的機會,向各班班主任了解學校政策及學生適應新學年的情況。 |
當晚除了會晤班主任之外,校方亦為不同年級的家長分別舉行了三場講座。 我們很榮幸邀請了「突破」榮譽總幹事蔡元雲醫生向中一學生家長主講有關家庭教育的講座,李建鋒副校長則為中三學生家長簡介有關中三升中四選科的事宜。 |
此外,李建鋒副校長亦聯同升學及就業輔導組主任林華耀老師特別向中六及中七學生家長講解有關大學聯合招生辦法 (JUPAS)的詳情。本學年中六和中七的學生都分別要面對畢業及升學的問題,而中六級更將是香港首屆面對中學文憑試的學生,故許多家長均抽空出席是次講座。對於新舊學制共存的一年,家長都有許多不同的疑問,但經過是次講座之後,他們對大學聯合招生辦法都加深了瞭解,亦表示了對學校的信任及支持。 |
除了與班主任討論子女學習的情況外,在會面的過程中許多家長均表示欣賞及讚揚老師對學生的付出,並十分支持學校的政策。家校合作是本校其中一項重點工作,這次家長晚會提升了學校與家長之間的互信及合作,我們希望藉此能為學生提供更好的學習支援。 |
S1 Parenting Talk |
S6 & 7 JUPAS Introduction |
Parents Night NSS subject selection |