YDC School-Company-Parent Program – Jockey Club InnoMind®
Twenty-one S3 students participated into the School-Company-Parent Program – Jockey Club InnoMind® organized by Young Entrepreneurs Development Council from March to May 2018.
This year, our school had a partnership with Wing On Department Store. Four workshops run by the company ambassadors provided various opportunities to our students to learn innovativeness, entrepreneurship and inspiration form Science, in the ways of mass games, experience sharing, role-plays and group discussion.
Students were playing ice-breaking game after listening to the instructions.
Students were building their “bridges” and presenting their designs in the workshop “InnoMind Orientation”.
Students were doing role-plays in different job-related scenarios in the workshop “Work on Stage”.
Students were doing role-plays in different job-related scenarios in the workshop “Work on Stage”.
Students were presenting their product designs in the workshop “How things are made”.
Mr. Simon Leung presented the gratitude flag to the company ambassadors.
Group photos of S3 participants and company ambassadors