A dispute on the implementation of Moral and National Education (MNE) strikes Hong Kong recently. It is a controversial issue and many scholars, organizations; elites hold different views on it. In order to provide a platform for Pooikeians to raise their ideas, several activities have been carried out by our PSHE teachers and it successfully enhances students’ awareness and understanding on this issue. |
近日就政府推行國民教育引來了熱烈討論,社會眾知識分子、機構就這極具爭議性的議題持不同的看法。為了提供一個平台讓培基學生可以直抒己見,我校人文學科的老師舉辦了一些有關國民教育的活動並成功提高學生對此議題的認識和了解。 |
Several boards were made since 6/9/2012 to serve as a platform for students to voice out their comments about MNE. Some news reports and sharing of scholars with different views were printed out and stuck on the boards for the sake of providing some basic information for our students. Pictures taken by journalists of the protests were shown on the boards too. Standardized papers, pens, staplers were all given. Students were encouraged to voice out their opinions. |
自九月六日,我校安放了幾個展板以提供渠道讓學生就國民教育的推行提出意見。為了讓學生對這一個議題有宏觀和多角度的認識,我們貼上了持不同觀點與立場有關「國教」的資料在展板上,當中還包括了圖片。為了讓同學能夠方便有效地直抒己見,筆、釘書機、統一的意見紙盡皆提供。 |
Many sharing and comments from students and teachers were stuck on the boards related to MNE. |
學生和老師的意見紙貼在板上。 |
In order to nurture their responsibility over their speeches, personal information such as student name and class must be written on the paper before sticking it on the board. At last, many students and even teachers participated in this activity and the boards were full of papers with comments. |
為了培養學生對自己言論負責的觀念,所有發表意見的同學必須在意見紙上清楚填上自己的名字與班別。是次活動有不少學生和老師參與。 |
All the comments were written and stuck by students themselves. |
學生親自填寫意見並貼上意見紙。 |