The Student Leaders Inauguration Ceremony 2023


To recognize and celebrate the dedication and commitment of our student leaders and service teams in contributing to the school community, the Student Leaders Inauguration Ceremony was held on 12 October. This ceremony is a significant event where various student leaders take an oath to fulfill their responsibilities and serve the school. Our student leaders are dedicated to “leading by serving”. It is an opportunity for them to showcase their passion and readiness to serve their fellow shoolmates and the school.

Our alumni, Ms BoBo AU YEUNG

We are honoured to have invited Ms BoBo AU YEUNG, our fellow Pooikeinian and former Head Prefect, to give a speech of wisdom to our student Leaders. Ms AU YEUNG graduated from HKUST with Dean’s List Award and First Class Honor, and was once appointed as a government intern for Administrative Officer and Department of Justice.

Let’s take a look at the highlight of Ms Au Yeung’s speech to her younger brothers and sisters, shall we?

“To the student leaders about to embark on this new chapter, I encourage you to embrace the challenges that lie ahead. Trust in your abilities and the qualities that have brought you to this point. Remember that leadership is not about being perfect, but about being willing to learn, grow, and make a positive impact. Lead with integrity, empathy, and a genuine desire to serve your school and fellow students.”

Congratulations to all our student leaders! 

The 15th Student Union
The Prefect Team
Representatives of the 4 Houses and 2 Associations
Representatives of the Service Teams