The Interim Prize Presentation Ceremony 2018-19 was held on 11th March, 2019 in our school hall. Awards were presented to students who achieved outstanding and/or much improved academic results in the First Term. |
為褒揚學業成績優異的同學,本校於二零一九年三月十一日(星期一)在禮堂舉行2018-19年度中期頒獎典禮。 |
In the opening address, our Principal, Mr. Peter YUEN shared with students two experiences of driving a car. Mr. YUEN inspired students by using the analogy of driving to help students gain perspective on their learning experiences. Pooikeinians are encouraged to set learning objectives for themselves and to learn and be inspired by the awardees, improving their academic results gradually through wise time management and rigorous self-discipline. |
袁彼得校長在致辭時透過分享其駕車經歷,以此為喻,勸勉培基人以獲獎同學為榜樣,訂立學習目標,做好時間管理並嚴以律己,以逐步提升成績。 |
Over 100 students were awarded in the ceremony and received commendation, including Academic Progress Awards, Subject Awards , Top Three in Class and Top Ten in Form. |
是次頒獎典禮中,獲獎同學超過一百位,當中獎項包括「學業成績進步獎」、「全級學科成績獎」、「全班學業成績獎」及「全級學業成績獎」。 |
Academic Progress Award |
學業成績進步獎 |
Ms. Joanna LEUNG presented Academic Progress Awards to S1 students. |
梁建欣老師頒發學業成績進步獎予中一級學生。 |
Ms. Karis KAM presented Academic Progress Awards to S2 awardees. |
中二級學業成績進步獎由金芳老師頒發。 |
Mr. Samuel LUI presented Academic Progress Awards to S3 awardees. |
中三級學業成績進步獎由呂浩榮老師頒發。 |
Mr. Neville TANG presented Academic Progress Awards to S4 awardees. |
中四級學業成績進步獎由鄧樂明老師頒發。 |
Mr. Jimmy TSE presented Academic Progress Awards to S5 awardees. |
中五級學業成績進步獎由謝敏聲老師頒發。 |
Subject Award |
學科成績優異獎 |
Our Vice Principal, Mr. William LEE presented Subject Awards to S1, S2 and S3 awardees. Our Vice Principal, Ms. Cindy YUEN presented Subject Awards to S4 and S5 awardees. |
李建鋒副校長頒發學科成績優異獎予中一、中二及中三級得獎同學,袁淑儀副校長則頒獎給中四及中五級得獎者。 |
Our Vice Principal Mr. William LEE presented Subject Awards to S1 students. |
李建鋒副校長頒發學科成績優異獎予中一級學生。 |
Our Vice Principal Mr. William LEE presented Subject Awards to S2 students. |
李建鋒副校長頒發學科成績優異獎予中二級學生。 |
Our Vice Principal Mr. William LEE presented Subject Awards to S3 students. |
李建鋒副校長頒發學科成績優異獎予中三級學生。 |
Our Vice Principal Ms. Cindy YUEN presented Subject Awards to S4 students. |
袁淑儀副校長頒發學科成績優異獎予中四級學生。 |
Our Vice Principal Ms. Cindy YUEN presented Subject Awards to S5 students. |
袁淑儀副校長頒發學科成績優異獎予中五級學生。 |
Academic Award |
學業成績優異獎 |
Our Principal Mr. Peter YUEN presented Academic Awards to S1 to S5 awardees and congratulated them. |
袁彼得校長頒發中一至中五學業成績優異獎並恭喜每位得獎學生。 |
Our Principal Mr. Peter YUEN presented Academic Awards of Top Three in Class, and Top Ten in Form, to S1 awardees. |
袁彼得校長頒發全班學業成績獎及全級學業成績獎予中一級學生。 |
Our Principal Mr. Peter YUEN presented Academic Awards of Top Three in Class, and Top Ten in Form, to S2 awardees. |
袁彼得校長頒發全班學業成績獎及全級學業成績獎予中二級學生。 |
Our Principal Mr. Peter YUEN presented Academic Awards of Top Three in Class, and Top Ten in Form, to S3 awardees. |
袁彼得校長頒發全班學業成績獎及全級學業成績獎予中三級學生。 |
Our Principal Mr. Peter YUEN presented Academic Awards of Top Three in Class to S4 awardees. |
袁彼得校長頒發全班學業成績獎予中四級學生。 |
Our Principal Mr. Peter YUEN presented Academic Awards of Top Three in Class to S5 awardees. |
袁彼得校長頒發全班學業成績獎予中五級學生。 |