The Interim Prize Presentation Ceremony 2015-16 was held on 7th March, 2016 in our school hall. Awards were presented to students who had remarkable achievement in the first term, namely, Academic Progress Award, Subject Award and Academic Award in class and in form. Our Principal showed his appreciation to all awardees’ hard work and shared the story of Sungbong CHOI, a young Korean, to inspire students in his opening speech. |
本校2015-2016年度中期頒獎典禮已於二零一六年三月七日(星期一)在本校禮堂舉行。頒獎典禮為褒揚於上學年有優異成績的同學,其獎項包括:學業成績進步獎、全級學科成績獎、全班學業成績獎及全級學業成績獎。校長於開首致辭中,讚賞得獎同學,並以崔聖奉的故事鼓勵全校同學繼續努力。 |
Mr. Neville TANG presented Academic Progress Awards to S1 awardees. |
中一級學業成績進步獎由鄧樂明老師頒發。 |
S2 Supporting Class Teacher – Mr. Jimmy TSE & S2 awardees. |
中二級級任導師謝敏聲老師及中二得獎同學。 |
S3 Supporting Class Teacher – Mr. Genthew LEUNG & S3 awardees. |
中三級級任導師梁以豪老師及中三得獎同學。 |
Many students were honoured to receive recognition from the school. Ms. Joanna LEUNG showed her congratulations to S4 awardees. |
所付出的努力得到認同,正是獎項意義所在。梁建欣老師恭喜中四得獎同學。 |
S5 Supporting Class Teacher – Ms. Siu-Wai YEUNG & S5 awardees. |
中五級級任導師楊小惠老師及中五得獎同學。 |
Our Vice Principal Mr. William LEE presented Subject Awards to S1 students. |
李建鋒副校長頒發全級學科成績獎予中一級學生。 |
Our Vice Principal Ms. Cindy YUEN presented Academic Awards to S3 students. |
袁淑儀副校長頒發全班學業成績獎予中三級學生。 |
Our Principal Mr. Peter YUEN presented Academic Awards to S5 students. |
袁彼得校長頒發全班學業成績獎予中五級學生。 |
Interim Prize Awardee List |