「第十六屆全港中小學普通話演講比賽2014」為語文教育及研究常務委員會(語常會)本年推廣普通話的活動之一,由新市鎮文化教育協會主辦。 |
中一信班的鄔沛延同學在初賽及複賽中均表現出色,獲得新界區初中組金獎。 |
在總決賽中,憑藉她精彩的演講,更勇奪全港總冠軍。 |
另外,中二和平班的羅楠琳同學在同組比賽中的表現亦優秀,獲得優異星獎。 |
恭喜兩位得獎的同學! |
Pooikeians took part in The 16th Putonghua Public Speaking Competition for Primary and Secondary Schools 2014 which was organized by the Cultural and Educational Association of the New Towns and is one of Putonghua promotion activities of the Standing Committee on Language Education and Research (SCOLAR). |
Julia Wu Pui Yin (1F) performed outstandingly in the first two rounds of the competition and won the Gold Award of the Junior Secondary School Section of the New Territories. |
On top of this gold award, with her marvelous speech, she won the CHAMPION of HONG KONG in the final. |
Besides Julia, Katherine Law Nam Lam (2P), who participated in the same competition, also performed very well and got the Merit Star Award. |
Congratulations to both girls! |