The End of School Year Service 2015 – 2016 was held on Friday, 8 July 2016 in our school hall. |
本校2015-2016年度結業頒獎典禮已於二零一六年七月八日(星期五)在本校禮堂舉行。 |
Our Principal, Mr. Peter YUEN, delivered his words of encouragement. |
袁校長語重心長的訓勉同學。 |
Over 100 students were awarded in the ceremony, including Conduct Awards, Academic Progress Awards, Subject Awards in Form, Academic Awards in Form and so on. |
頒獎典禮中共頒發獎項給超過一百位學生,表揚他們各方面的成就。獎項包括良好操行獎、學業成績進步獎、全級學科成績優異獎及全級學業成績優異獎等。 |
Ms. Siu Wai YEUNG presented the Outstanding Awards in Reading Scheme to awardees. |
楊小慧老師頒發獎項鼓勵熱愛閱讀的同學。 |
Our NET, Mr. Tom DERBYSHIRE, presented the certificates to the awardees whom achieved outstanding performance in the 67th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival. |
外籍老師Mr. Tom DERBYSHIRE頒發第六十七屆香港學校朗誦節獎項予得獎同學。 |
Mr. Genthew LEUNG presented the awards of the Statistics Creative-Writing Competition to the winners. |
梁以豪老師頒發中學生統計創意寫作比賽獎項予得獎同學。 |
Ms. Joanna LEUNG presented the Championship in the 9th Super Language Recitation Competition to LAW Nam Lam. |
梁建欣老師頒發第九屆全港超級語言朗誦比賽普通話故事青少年組冠軍獎項予羅楠琳同學。 |
Mr. Neville TANG presented awards to the winners of the inter-school sport competitions. |
鄧樂明老師頒發中學校際體育比賽獎項予得獎同學。 |
Pastor Ada WONG presented the PSSE Awards in Class and in Form with Abundant Grace Church Scholarship. |
黃揚恩傳道頒發宣道會廣恩堂獎學金予生命成長科學科優異獎得獎同學。 |
Mr. Samuel LUI presented Conduct Progress Awards to S4 & S5 awardees. |
呂浩榮老師頒發操行進步獎予得獎同學。 |
Our Vice-Principal, Mr. William LEE, presented Subject Awards in Form to awardees. |
李建鋒副校長頒發全級學科成績優異獎予得獎同學。 |
Our Vice-Principal, Ms. Cindy YUEN, presented the Academic Awards to awardees. |
袁淑儀副校長頒發學業成績優異獎予得獎同學。 |
Our Principal, Mr. Peter YUEN, presented Best School Team Award to SPKC English Debate Team. |
袁校長頒發最佳學生團隊獎予培基英語辯論隊。 |