The End of School Year Service 2011- 2012 was held on Friday, 13 July 2012 at our school hall. |
本校2011-2012年度結業頒獎典禮已於二零一二年七月十三日(星期五)在本校禮堂舉行。 |
Our Principal Mr Peter YUEN delivered his words of encouragement to students. |
袁校長語重心長的訓勉同學。 |
Over 100 students were awarded in the ceremony, namely End-of-Year Awards for CCA, End-of-Year Awards for Service Hour, Academic Progress Awards, Subject Awards in Form, Academic Awards in Form and so on. |
頒獎典禮中共頒發獎項給超過一百位學生,表揚他們各方面的成就。獎項分別為:期終聯課活動獎、期終服務時數獎、學業成績進步獎、全級學科成績獎及全級學業成績優異獎等。 |
Our Vice-Principal Mr. William Lee presented Subject Awards in Form to students. |
李建鋒副校長頒發全級學科成績優異獎。 |
Our Vice-Principal Dr. Ruby Cheung presented Academic Awards in Class to students. |
副校長張瑞霞教授頒發全班學業成績優異獎。 |
Our Principal Mr. Peter YUEN presented All-Round Student Award with Principal’s Scholarship to students. |
袁校長頒發獎培基書院全人發展獎和獎學金。 |
Mr. Tom Derbyshire presented the Awards in the 62nd Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (English) |
外籍老師Tom Derbyshire頒發第六十二屆英文朗誦節獎。 |
Mr. Genthew Leung presented the Champion of Statistical Project Competition and Prize for the Best Graphical Presentation. |
梁以豪老師頒發中學生統計習作比賽冠軍及最佳統計圖表獎。 |
Mr. Tim Li interviewed three alumni about their school lives and learning strategies at SPKC. |
李浩然老師訪問三位校友於培基的生活點滴和讀書心得。 |
Our Principal Mr. Peter YUEN presented scholarships to alumni with outstanding academic results in public examinations. |
袁校長頒發獎學金予在公開考試獲優異成績的傑出舊生。 |