Under the kind guidance of the teachers, our first batch of S.7 students has been growing in the past seven years with blessings. The Speech Day not only marks an important milestone in their new lives, but also provides the junior schoolmates the opportunities to send their best wishes to them. It also enhances the sense of belonging of the junior students of being a member of SPKC. |
經歷蒙恩的七年,培基首屆學生在師長教導下漸漸成長,終於到了離巢的時候。為中七學生舉行的畢業禮,不但是他們邁進人生新一頁的里程碑,也讓參與的學弟學妹,培養身為培基一分子的自覺性,並為學長們送上美好的祝福。 |
Our Principal, Mr. Peter Yuen delivered a speech to encourage all graduates. |
校長袁彼得先生訓勉 |
School Supervisor, Dr. Marcus Chiu delivered a speech. |
校監趙雨龍博士致辭 |
PTA Chairman, Mr. Vincent Kwok presented Academic Excellence Award to students. |
家教會主席郭永誠先生頒授學業優異獎項 |
勞工及福利局政治助理莫宜端女士蒞臨致辭 |
Ms. Zandra Mok Yee-tuen, Political Assistant to Secretary for Labour and Welfare, delivered a speech. |
Li Hay Ton Roxana, representative of all graduates, gave a speech. |
中七喜樂班李曦彤代表畢業生演說 |
School Choir presented their best wishes to our graduates by singing. Teachers and students were all touched. |
學校合唱團以歌聲為師兄姊們送上祝福,與會者深受感動。 |
School Supervisor, Dr. Marcus Chiu presented 5-year Long Service Award to our teacher |
趙博士頒授教職員五年服務獎 |
School Supervisor, Dr. Marcus Chiu presented 5-year Long Service Award to our janitor |
趙博士頒授教職員五年服務獎 |
Christian & Missionary Alliance Abundant Grace Church’s Pastor, Mr. Alan Li presented his best wishes to our graduates and teachers. |
基督教宣道會廣恩堂李國良牧師為畢業生及眾與會者祝福 |
This was not our first Speech Day, but it was meaningful to us. On 3rd Speech Day, we had our first Graduation Ceremony for the first batch of S.7 students. This ceremony not only means the completion of educational mission, but also reflects God’s blessings in the past seven years. It is wished that SPKC will have more graduates and will be experiencing abundant grace from God in the years to come. |
是次畢業典禮雖然是第三屆舉行,卻是培基首屆學生的中七畢業典禮,對本校來說別具意義,不但代表了學校肩負教育使命的圓滿體現,更能從中深深體會神在這七年中的同行和祝福,往後,培基仍會有無數的畢業典禮,祝願培基一家,每年經歷主恩更多。 |