SU Forum was held on 12-9-2016. Proposed cabinets (Glasnost and Paper Scissor Stone) introduced themselves to students. Election was held on 14-9-2016, every student voted in the morning. Finally, proposed cabinet 1 (Glasnost) got 607 votes and will be the Student Union of 2016-2017. |
學生會論壇於12-9-2016舉行,兩個候選內閣向同學介紹政綱和理念。學生會選舉則在14-9-2016舉行,每位學生皆在當天早上投票。1號候選內閣Glasnost最終獲得607票,成為2016-2017學年學生會。 |
Students went to school hall for election. |
學生在早上到禮堂投票。 |
Two proposed cabinet prepared platform and introduced to schoolmates. |
兩個候選內閣製作展版向同學介紹理念和政綱。 |
Students went to school hall for election. |
學生在早上到禮堂投票。 |