A comprehensive “Leadership Training Scheme” is organized by the CCA teachers for the students who are elected as committee members of Student Union, 4 Houses, Sports and Music Associations. They have to attend a series of workshops and a training camp. |
During the camp, they have to complete a number of tasks which helps develop their leadership and communication skills. Students enjoyed the camp and gained fruitful experience in these two days. |
「學生領袖訓練計劃」,是由課外活動組老師籌辦,對象為學生會、四社、體育和音樂聯會的幹事。在是次領袖訓練計劃下,他們須要參加了一系列的訓練活動,包括了營前研討會,訓練營,營後分享會及年終分享及檢討會。 |
而在領袖訓練營中,他們須要完成教練指定的任務,從活動中培養他們的領導能力和溝通技巧。學生領袖們在這兩天積累了豐富的經驗,並享受這兩天的經歷。 |
Group photo of all student leaders and CCA teachers |
學生領袖及課外活動組老師大合照 |
They were working hard in moving a bottle of water from one place to another. |
黃社幹事們正在研究如何運送爐上的水杯 |
They tried their best in ‘walking’ together. |
綠社幹事們正在努力「齊心同行」 |
They were discussing altogether to find the most feasible way in overcoming the challenge. |
學生領袖們正在研究完成任務的方法 |
Student leaders supported each other. |
學生領袖們互相合作,互相支持 |
Our student leaders, led by their chairperson, were having morning exercise in the next day. |
在各主席帶領下的晨操 |