The SPKC Drama Club performed in the Hong Kong School’s Drama Festival for the second time on the 10th February 2015. The cast and crew spent nearly 5 months or over 20 meetings, rehearsing tirelessly for the 20 minute performance entitled ‘Sticks And Stones,’ a drama about the power of gossip and bullying amongst teenagers, and the potentially harmful effects of social networking sites and the media. |
The play was chosen as it dealt with an issue that is evident in schools in Hong Kong and around the world. The theme of Bullying takes on many different forms in the play; name calling, physical abuse, cyber bullying and peer pressure can make a student’s life hell. |
Sticks and Stones is a stylized, form of physical drama that uses a modern variation of the Greek chorus, along with mime and freeze frames. |
These are all popular drama techniques that help to communicate the situations and issues in a dramatic way. The aim of the play was not to provide any solutions, instead it contains a series of monologues to highlight the effects of rumour and gossip within a school community and the individual characters. |
The production crew truly took ownership of the production by designing their costumes, sets, props, lighting and posters. The actors worked hard at memorizing their lines, planning and executing their movements, positions and timing to great effect. |
Congratulations Drama Club on a job well done! |
Kate, Emily and Louisa are the meanest bullies in the school. They have an evil plan to publish a gossip column in the school magazine. |
Mr. Wong speaks to Claire who has come to school on the wrong day, when everyone is out on an excursion at Victoria Harbour. |
Sophie comes from a single-parent family and has changed school 3 times in 4 years. In this monologue, she speaks to the audience about the challenges of making new friends and feeling alienated. |
Karen gets teased by the chorus for being different. She is even teased online. The names used on her are hurtful and cruel. |