School Opening Ceremony 2023


Our School Opening Ceremony was successfully held on 4 and 5 September. We were more than grateful and delighted to see all Pooikeinians safe and healthy again after the long summer holiday, especially after the typhoon Saola. Although we had a bit of a rough start of the school year, we strongly believe that this year will be a wonderful school year. The ceremony started with a prayer followed by singing the school song and school motto. All Pooikeinians stood solemnly and sang our school song and read our school motto proudly. During the ceremony, our principal, Mr. William Lee shared with us the 4 books he read during the summer holiday, including the book All I Ever Wanted written by one of our colleagues, Miss Jane Lo. Principal Lee also reminded all Pooikeinians the values of SPKC that it is important for all Pooikeinians to strive to become a Servant Leader, Positive Thinker, Keen Learner and Confident Explorer. Since this year is our 20th anniversary, we are all looking forward to more events celebrating this important milestone.
