SPKC’s Admission Briefing Days were a great success! Over 1700 parents and students came to the school and had an informative and joyous experience in SPKC. |
本校中一入學簡介日已順利舉行,共有超過一千七百位家長和學生蒞臨本校參觀。 |
Parents and students were provided an overview of SPKC – a young and ambitious school. They also enjoyed a time to meet the principal, teachers and students. |
透過中一入學簡介會,家長進一步認識培基書院、校長、老師和同學。 |
Before explaining the school vision and curriculum, our Principal Mr. Peter Yuen shared his view on education. |
除了介紹本校的辦學理念和課程,袁彼得校長也與家長們分享他的教育理念。 |
Primary 6 parents and students were listening attentively. |
小六家長和同學們正全神貫注地聆聽校長的分享呢。 |
Student choir performed two beautiful songs for our guests. |
學生合唱團為來賓獻唱了兩首美妙的歌曲。 |
Our outstanding alumnus, Mr. Chan Ying-Kit, shared his learning experience in SPKC with our guests. |
傑出校友陳英傑先生與來賓分享他當年在培基書院的學習經歷。 |
Our Principal Mr. Peter Yuen, our Vice-principals Ms. Cindy Yuen and Mr. William Lee answered questions from parents in the Q&A Session. |
袁彼得校長、袁淑儀副校長和李建鋒副校長主持答問環節。 |
P6 students participated actively in the Mathematics lesson. |
小六同學們踴躍舉手參與數學課。 |
Students were sharing about themselves in the English Zone in the English lesson. |
在英文課,同學們在英語特區向新朋友介紹自己。 |
Students from different schools were assigned in a group to figure out a task. |
來自不同學校的同學同心合力解決難題。 |
Our student tour guides |
由學生組成的導遊團 |
Visitors listened attentively to the student tour guide. |
來賓專注地聆聽學生導遊的介紹。 |
The S6 Graduation Exhibition showcased students’ masterpieces produced in Visual Arts lessons. |
中六畢業展展出了本校同學在視覺藝術課的作品。 |
Fashion design by our senior Visual Arts students. All of them were designed by students, tailored by students and worn by student models in the Fashion Show. |
由高中視覺藝術科學生親手設計和縫製的服裝,已在校內的時裝表演中由學生模特兒穿著和演繹。 |
Our guests did art work together. It’s a great souvenir to take home. |
小六學生們一起做手工,製成品是最好的紀念品。 |
P6 students and their parents were fascinated by the interesting laboratory demonstration with the most advanced apparatus. |
實驗示範常是小六學生最感興趣的一個項目,家長也認真地與孩子們一起驗證實驗結果呢。 |
Visitors were reading the Integrated Science Reports done by our students. |
來賓正在欣賞本校同學的綜合科學報告。 |
P6 students experienced e-learning with tablets in SPKC. |
小六同學使用平版電腦,體驗本校的電子學習。 |
The student orchestra performed beautiful music for our guests.. |
本校管弦樂團為來賓帶來悅耳的音樂。 |
Some students also performed a little Erhu, showing guests we love versatile cultures – from East to West. |
對音樂的熱愛無分西或東,除了西洋樂器,本校也有喜愛二胡的同學。 |
Students shared their own international learning experiences with our guests. You can read students’ anticipation and excitement from their colorful work. |
學生以繪本形式,展示海外遊學的所見所聞。 |
Our visitors enjoyed the day very much. |
來賓十分享受本校開放日的活動呢。 |
Thanks to the support from parents and students, the Admissions Briefing Days were a big success. We look forward to seeing you joining our family in the coming September. Be one of us and enjoy the fruits and joy from God. |
感謝各位家長和同學支持,本校的中一入學簡介日得以圓滿結束。誠意邀請你加入我們培基的大家庭,一起享受從上帝而來的豐盛和喜樂。 |