The Parents’ Nights 2015 acting as a platform of parent-school communication and collaboration at the beginning of the School Year, were successfully held on 25 September with the participation of over a thousand parents. |
九月二十五日是本校一年一度的家長晚會,合共有逾千名家長出席參與。各位家長均把握這次機會,了解學校政策及學生適應新學年的情況。 |
The arrangement of the parents’ night for S.2 to S.6 parents is as follows: |
是次中二至中六家長晚會的安排分別如下: |
S.2- 3
19:00 – 20:00 |
Meeting with Class Teachers
Class Teachers
20:00 – 21:00 |
Parents’ Talk: Subject Selection Talk
Ms. Cindy YUEN, Mr. Neville TANG
19:00 – 20:00 |
Parent’ Talk: Walking with a Pooikeian
Mr. William LEE, Mr. Samuel LUI, Mr. Roy LAM
20:00 – 21:00 |
Meeting with Class Teachers
Class Teachers
S.5- 6
19:00 – 20:00 |
Meeting with Class Teachers
Class Teachers
20:00 – 21:00 |
Parents’ Talk: Preparation for HKDSE & JUPAS
Mr. William LEE, Mr. Dennis Wong
For S.3 parents, the Subject Selection Talk was held by Ms. Cindy YUEN, our Vice-principal and Mr. Neville TANG, Head of Academic Administrative Committee. It aims at enabling parents to understand more about the Senior Secondary curriculum and the subject selection criteria and method. |
袁淑儀副校長及學務主任鄧樂明老師為中三學生家長主持是次選科講座,讓家長更明白高中課程和選科的條件和方法。 |
Ms. Cindy YUEN delivered the Subject Selection Talk at School Hall. |
袁淑儀副校長為在禮堂主持家長講座。 |
Mr. Neville TANG explained the arrangement of subject selection. |
鄧樂明老師向家長解釋中三選科的安排。 |
For S.4 parents, a talk called “Walking with Pooikeian” was given by Mr. William LEE, our Vice-principal, Mr. Samuel LUI, and Mr. Roy LAM. It aims to let parents understand the challenges students have to face when transitioning from being a junior student to a senior student, and the support parents can provide to their children. |
李建鋒副校長、呂浩榮老師及林華耀老師為中四家長主持是次名為「與培基人同行」之講座,讓家長了解中四學生面對由初中生升為高中生時所面對的困難及挑戰,以及家長可以如何支援子女。 |
Mr. William LEE explained the challenges S.4 students will face. |
李建鋒副校長向家長講解中四學生將會面對的挑戰。 |
Mr. Samuel LUI explained what parents can do to support and help their children to pursue their goals. |
呂浩榮老師講解家長能如何支持及協助子女完成他們的目標。 |
Mr. Roy LAM talked about the support Career Guidance Team provides to students for life planning. |
林華耀老師向家長講解升學及就業組為學生的生涯規劃而作出的支援。 |
In addition, S.6 parents have attended the HKDSE and Joint University Programmes Admissions System (JUPAS) Talk offered by Mr. William LEE and Mr. Dennis Wong. Parents have gained more knowledge of the operation of HKDSE and JUPAS after this talk and have shown their trust and support towards the school. |
此外,李建鋒副校長及黃智君老師向中六學生家長講述有關香港中學文憑考試及大學聯合招生辦法 (JUPAS)的詳情。講座讓家長對香港中學文憑考試及大學聯合招生辦法加深了瞭解,亦表示了對學校的信任及支持。 |
Mr. William LEE mentioned the arrangements related to S6 students. |
李建鋒副校長提到與中六學生有關的校內安排。 |
Mr. Dennis WONG reminded parents the important information regarding HKDSE and JUPAS. |
黃智君老師提醒家長有關香港中學文憑考試及大學聯合招生辦法的重要資訊。 |
Not only does the parents’ night allow parents to understand their children’s campus life and academic results, but it also facilitates the communication between the parents and the school. This cooperation provides a better academic support for students as well as enables parents and us to nurture the pillar of society in the future together. |
是次家長晚會不但讓家長知道更多有關其子女在校園的生活和學業情況,更可以增強家長與學校之間的溝通,藉此能為學生提供更好的學習支援,讓我們共同培養社會未來的棟樑。 |
Besides, the powerpoint slides for these talks are available in e-class and parents can download them from the website. |
除此之外,家長可於e-class下載是次講座之投影片。 |