The S.1 Parents’ Night on 7/9 was held as a workshop on e-learning and e-campus to familiarize parents with the content of “e-campus@SPKC” programme launched in this academic year. Over one hundred and thirty parents were interested and attended the Parents’ Night. |
九月七日的中一家長晚會以共建電子校園工作坊的形式舉行,讓家長更熟悉本年度展開的「培基電子校園」計劃。超過一百三十名家長對此感興趣而撥冗出席。 |
The S1 Parents’ Night was held in School Hall. |
是次中一家長晚會在禮堂舉行。 |
Mr. William LEE, our Vice Principal , introduced the idea of “e-campus@SPKC”. He shared his own story to e-learning and quoted some inspiring facts and figures. The introduction let parents understand the trend of e-campus and e-learning, and the benefits they bring to teaching and learning. |
李建鋒副校長介紹「培基電子校園」的概念。他分享自己與電子學習的故事,並引述不少具啟發性的事實及數據,令家長瞭解電子校園及電子學習的趨勢,以及它們為教與學帶來的好處。 |
Mr. William LEE showed the QR code of our School Webpage. |
李建鋒副校長展示本校網頁的QR碼。 |
Mr. Harry LAU and Mr. Jimmy TSE,coordinators of school e-learning, explained how e-learning can be applied to the lessons in our school. With the aid of iPad, they demonstrated how e-learning could make lessons more creative and interactive, so as to raise the efficiency of teaching and learning. Our guess speakers also introduced the function of i-class, an e-learning tool. |
學校電子學習負責老師柳巳丞老師及謝敏聲老師,則解釋電子學習如何於本校的課堂內應用。在iPad的輔助下,他們展示了電子學習如何令課堂變得更具創意更互動,從而提高教與學的效率。演講嘉賓亦介紹電子學習工具i-class的功能。 |
Mr. Harry LAU demonstrated e-learning with the aid of iPad. |
柳巳丞老師在iPad的輔助下示範電子學習。 |
Parents were invited to experience e-learning. |
家長應邀體驗電子學習。 |
Mr. Jimmy TSE explained the advantages of e-learning. |
謝敏聲老師解釋電子學習的優勢。 |
Our guest speakers introduced i-class. |
演講嘉賓介紹i-class。 |
Besides, Mr. Eddie TSUI, panel head of computer department, introduced eClass and SmartCard. Through eClass and SmartCard, parents can understand better about their children’s performance in school. Some parents tried to login eClass through their smart phone and tablet. Finally, Mr. William LEE drew parents’ attention to the arrangements regarding S.1 students. |
此外,電腦科主任徐國良老師亦介紹eClass及智能卡。透過eClass及智能卡,家長能夠更瞭解子女在學校的表現。不少家長嘗試以智能電話及平版電腦登入eClass。最後,李建鋒副校長提醒家長注意與中一學生有關的安排。 |
Mr. Eddie TSUI showed parents the interface of eClass. |
徐國良老師向家長展示eClass的介面。 |
In the Q & A session, parents were eager to raise questions, and Mr. Peter YUEN, our Principal, responded to the enquiries correspondingly. Through the Q & A session, parents’ understanding towards “e-campus@SPKC” was deepened. On the other hand, we were able to obtain many valuable opinions. |
家長在問答環節踴躍提出問題,袁彼得校長則作出相關回應。透過問答環節,家長對「培基電子校園」加深了瞭解。我們亦能從中獲得不少寶貴的意見。 |
Parents’ enquiries were collected by Mr. Peter YUEN, Mr. William LEE and other teachers. |
袁彼得校長、李建鋒副校長及其他老師整理家長的問題。 |
Mr. Peter YUEN responded to parents’ enquiries. |
袁彼得校長回應家長的問題。 |
Cooperation among parents, students and the school is essential for the construction of “e-campus@SPKC”. With parents’ active participation in the S.1 Parents’ Night, we are confident that “e-campus@SPKC” will be operated smoothly, and match up with the new trend of teaching and learning. |
家長、學生及學校的互相配合對「培基電子校園」的建設至關重要。家長在中一家長晚會的踴躍參與令我們相信「培基電子校園」能夠順暢地運作,以配合教與學的新趨勢。 |