S.1 Parents-child Day


To assist S.1 students and their parents to create a closer bond with each other and to let parents have a better understanding of SPKC, the school and the partner Church organized the S.1 Parents-child Day on 17 September 2022. S.1 students and their parents enjoyed precious family time.

Our Principal Mr. William Lee presented a warm welcome to all families.

Our Vice Principal Mr. Samuel Lui shared the importance of how the Parents, the Church and the School should work together so to support the diverse needs of students.

Games are designed to create happy memories for Pooikeinians and their families.

Team building activities were designed to enhance the communication and team spirit among classmates.

Sharing from Senior-Parents in creating a supportive atmosphere at home.

Families committed to walk together in the coming years.

Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it. (Proverbs 22:6)
