To develop the interest of S.1 students in Integrated Humanities and to raise their awareness to the current issue as well, our school has held I.H. Current Affairs Competition for S.1 students. The content was mainly related to current affairs, history, geography and politics. The issues were not only relating to Hong Kong, but also relating to China and international world as well. This let students consolidate their subject knowledge and open themselves to the world. Three representatives were sent from each class to join the competition. The sessions involved ‘Compulsory Section’, ‘Quick Response Section’ and ‘Answering by Audience Section’. Except the three representatives from each class, the audience could also participate in the competition in the final section. This increased the participation rate of students and the excitement of the competition. |
為提升中一學生對綜合人文科的興趣及對時事的認識,本校舉行了綜合人文科時事問答比賽,內容以時事、歷史、地理、政治範疇為主,議題不單與香港有關,遠至中國、國際性議題也會涉及,令學生在鞏固其學科知識之餘,同時亦能放眼世界。每班派出三名代表參賽,比賽環節包括「必答題」、「搶答題」及「台下觀眾回答」,除了每班代表可參賽外,台下觀眾亦可參賽,以增加同學的參予率及比賽的刺激性。 |
Our Vice-Principal, Mr. William Lee was invited to be the honorable guest of the competition. Mr. Lee highly appreciated the performance of the participants and the active involvement of the audience. He also presented the prizes to the winning classes to show encouragement to them. |
是次比賽我們邀請了李建鋒副校長作為嘉賓,李副校很欣賞參賽者們的表現及台下觀眾的積極參與,並頒獎予優勝班別以示鼓勵。 |
Two Masters of Ceremony were introducing the rule of competition. |
兩位司儀在介紹比賽規則。 |
The audiences were clapping hands to show support for their classes. |
觀眾們拍掌為自己班別打氣。 |
In ‘Quick Response Section’, the participants were very excited to answer the questions. |
在「搶答」環節,參賽班別都很緊張回答問題。 |
S.1 Peace is awarded the 2nd runner-up of the competition. |
中一和平班獲得了比賽第三名。 |
S.1 Faith is awarded the 1st runner-up of the competition. |
中一信班獲得了比賽第二名。 |
S.1 Grace is awarded the Champion of the competition. |
中一恩典班獲得了比賽第一名。 |