On November 12th and 13th, the school opened its gates for the annual S.1 Admissions Briefing day. SPKC was honored by the presence of more than 1,500 visitors that day. The Briefing day provided an informative experience for parents with pre-S.1 students, and it also allowed visitors a tour of our school grounds. Visitors were greeted with display boards by various subjects and departments of the school, allowing them a deeper understanding of the school’s features and qualities. The Briefing day garnered praises from guests for the organization of events, to the performance of students all over the school. Praise to God who has blessed us with this successful event. |
本校於二零一一年十一月十二及十三日舉行校舍開放日暨中一入學簡介會。承蒙多達一千五百多位來賓光臨,盛況空前。除了為所有未來的中一家長提供了本校的入學資訊之外,本校也開放校園予來賓參觀,並設有不同科目及活動的展板,以期讓來賓深入了解本校的特色與優良的學習環境。活動圓滿結束之餘,無論是流程的安排,及學生表現的素質,都令來賓讚譽有加。感謝神在當中親自祝福,使活動能夠圓滿完成。 |
來賓擠滿禮堂,或者在課室觀看直播,聆聽袁彼得校長的講解。 |
Principal Mr. Peter Yuen speaks to visitors in the Hall, as well as guests watching the broadcast from classrooms. |
參觀者對科學實驗饒有興味。 |
Young visitor showing interest in the science experiments. |
學生向來賓講解英國文學科內容,來賓均全神貫注。 |
Guests showed great interest in the materials used for the English Literature class. |
培基學生的音樂表演使開放日氣氛生色不少。 |
The musical performances by SPKC’s young musicians added energy and excitement to the event. |
本校合唱團在簡介會期間的精彩表演,使來賓印象深刻。 |
The fantastic performance by the School Choir left a lasting impression on guests. |
中六美術科學生的畢業展覽,素質極高,頗具觀賞價值。 |
The S.6 Graduation Art exhibit also attracted guests with its tasteful creations by the students. |
由學生大使擔任導賞員,帶領來賓參觀學校設施,並作介紹。 |
Guests were led by student tour guides who gave thorough explanations on the various parts and features of the school. |
嘉賓參觀校園電視設施,了解節目製作流程。 |
Some visited the Campus TV Station, allowing them an understanding of the process of movie making. |
本年度的開放日圓滿結束。衷心希望各位來賓將來能夠成為培基一家的一分子,不久再和我們在校園中相見。 |
With the fruitful end to our S.1 Admissions Briefing day, we hope that guests can one day join us in becoming part of the Pooi Kei family! |