Report on HKDSE Results and Pathways for Graduates 2020
The result of SPKC students in the 2020 HKDSE Examination is satisfactory, with 62% of our students fulfilling the requirements for university admission (33222) which is higher than the Territory Average of 42.1%. The percentage of our students eligible for sub-degree programmes (22222) is 93%. The percentage of our students attaining a passing level, i.e. Level 2 and above, is 96.9% while that attaining Level 4 or above is 41.2%.
The pass rates of 15 subjects including the 4 core subjects are all above the Hong Kong average. The pass rates of the 4 core subjects are 100% (English Language), 95.8% (Chinese Language), 96.5% (Mathematics) and 98.6% (Liberal Studies). Other subjects with 100% pass rates are BAFs (Accounting), BAFs (Business Management), Chinese History, Information and Communication Technology, Literature in English, Mathematics (M2), Music and Visual Arts.
SPKC students obtained a higher Level 4 or above percentage in 11 subjects compared with Hong Kong day school candidates. They are the core subjects: English Language (35.9%), Mathematics (50.4%), Liberal Studies (40.1%) and elective subjects including Physics (52.8%), BAFs(Business Management) (50.0%), Economics (66.7%), Geography (43.3%), Chinese History (54.5%), ICT (41.7%), M2 (69.2%) and Visual Arts (35.7%).
Lai Nok Hei Jonathan (6 Love) and Chu Tsun Ting (6 Love) obtained an outstanding achievement in the 2020 HKDSE. Both attained a total score of 30 or above in their best six subjects, the four core subjects inclusive. It is also noteworthy that Lai Nok Hei Jonathan (6 Love) sat for eight subjects and achieved remarkable results.
Pathways for 2020 HKDSE Graduates
A vast majority of SPKC Graduates (98.61%) in 2020 continued to pursue further education in tertiary institutions, both in and outside Hong Kong. One of our graduates was admitted to Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, a leader in the field of Traditional Chinese Medicine education. Among those who chose to further their studies overseas, some were admitted to prestigious universities including: University of Bristol, University of Birmingham and Cardiff University in the United Kingdom, Berklee College of Music in the United States, and University of New South Wales in Australia.
End of Report