The Annual General Meeting of Parent-Teacher Association was successfully held on 17 October 2020. Over 550 PTA members participated in the meeting.
Mr. Benny KOO, the Chairperson of the 10th PTA, presents the PTA annual report 2019-2020
Our Principal, Mr. William LEE, presents certificates of appreciation to Mr. Charles NGO (the parent volunteer representative), Ms. April CHAN (the PTA Choir representative) and the 10th PTA Executive Committee members.
The 11th PTA Executive Committee was formed. (From left) Ms. Renee CHAN, Ms. Shirley CHONG, Ms. Maggie FUNG, Principal LEE, Mr. Benny KOO, Ms. Katrina LEE, Mr. Charles NGO, Assistant Principal Ms. Joanna LEUNG
Thank you very much for your support to PTA. We look forward to seeing you in the forthcoming PTA activities.