Our students have achieved incredible success in the Statistics Project Competition organized by the Hong Kong Statistical Society and Education Bureau, earning numerous prestigious awards. Over the past 15 years, our school has submitted 27 statistical projects and won 37 awards, including 10 Championships and 10 Prizes for the Best Graphical Presentation of Statistics. In addition, we have been the champion school for four consecutive years, winning in 2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21, and 2021/22.
As the most frequent winner in the past 12 years, the memorable shields (Junior Form Section and Senior Form Section), fully engraved with the names of champion schools, will be kept at our campus permanently. This recognition is a great honor for Pooikeinians who have consistently dedicated themselves to this inter-school competition. Our students’ hard work and dedication have paid off, demonstrating the collaborative efforts and commitment to excellence by our students.
Preparing for statistical research, final interviews, as well as oral defenses have definitely polished our students’ analytical mindset and presentation skills. The inter-school competition has become a unique tradition and an invaluable learning experience for generations of Pooikeinians.