Mock Legislative Council Debate


The Mock Legislative Council Debate was organized by Rotary Adopt A School partnering schools of Rotary International. It offered a guided educational tour of the Legislative Council Complex & a workshop on mock Council debate. Then the participants had a mock debate over the Passage of a mock bill – Goods and Services Tax Bill
Chu Wai Sum of 5 Love received the certificate from the judge
One of our students, Lau Tsz Kwan of 5 Peace played the role of the Chairman of the Legislative Council and chaired the debate
Our student Lam Wing of 5 Peace spoke against the mock bill
All of our students are in the Legislative Council Complex
Five of our S5 students participated in the Mock Legislative Council Debate organized by Rotary Adopt A School partnering schools of Rotary International on 3 November 2018.
Our students played the role of legislative councilors of the Functional constituency representing the business sector. They had a heated debate over the Passage of a mock bill – Goods and Services Tax Bill with the participants of other schools. All of our students were well-prepared and made an eloquent speech. Chu Wai Sum of 5 Love was presented the Best Performance Award. It is great that our students are equipped with strong awareness to contemporary issues.