The Mock Legislative Council Debate was organized by Rotary Adopt A School partnering schools of Rotary International. It offered a guided educational tour of the Legislative Council Complex & a workshop on mock Council debate. Then the participants had a mock debate over the Passage of a mock bill – Goods and Services Tax Bill |
Chu Wai Sum of 5 Love received the certificate from the judge |
5愛班朱慧芯同學獲得最佳表現獎 |
One of our students, Lau Tsz Kwan of 5 Peace played the role of the Chairman of the Legislative Council and chaired the debate |
5P劉祉君同學擔任立法會主席 |
Our student Lam Wing of 5 Peace spoke against the mock bill |
5P林詠同學提出反對通過法案的理據 |
All of our students are in the Legislative Council Complex |
參與學生在立法會大樓 |
Five of our S5 students participated in the Mock Legislative Council Debate organized by Rotary Adopt A School partnering schools of Rotary International on 3 November 2018. |
Our students played the role of legislative councilors of the Functional constituency representing the business sector. They had a heated debate over the Passage of a mock bill – Goods and Services Tax Bill with the participants of other schools. All of our students were well-prepared and made an eloquent speech. Chu Wai Sum of 5 Love was presented the Best Performance Award. It is great that our students are equipped with strong awareness to contemporary issues. |