A forum organized by Integrated Humanities Department was held on 6th October 2011 to discuss the topic “Is Dr. Sun a national hero?” |
The Vice-Principal Mr. Lee Kin Fung, William and Panel Head of Chinese History, Mr. Leung Hing Lok were invited as the guest speakers. |
Both guest speakers and student representatives showed their deep understanding and expressed their views about Dr. Sun’s importance in 1911 revolution, and his contribution in China. |
It is encouraging to see a lot of students to participate. It is hoped that students could foster a better understanding towards our community and our motherland. |
本校綜合人文科於二零一一年十月六日(星期四),舉辦了以「孫中山先生是否民族英雄」為題的座談會,並邀得李建鋒副校長及中史科科主任梁慶樂老師作為是次研討會的演講嘉賓。 |
無論演講嘉賓或學生代表,均對孫中山先生於辛亥革命中的角色及對民族所作出的貢獻有獨到的見解。而參加同學亦反應熱烈,望同學再接再厲,多參與有關公民教育及國家發展活動以增加對社區及國家的了解。 |