A discussion on waste settlements in Hong Kong |
香港處理都市垃圾的方案 |
Students listened to the sharing of Mr. Lau attentively. |
同學們用心地聽劉老師的分享。 |
Mr. Lau was explaining that how a landfill functioned. |
劉老師正解釋一個堆填區如何運作。 |
Ms. Tang used different angles to analyze the issue of waste settlement. |
鄧老師用不同的角度去分析垃圾處理問題。 |
At last, we had a voting on which settlement is the best. |
最後,同學們透過即場投票選出那一個垃圾處理方案是最好。 |
Students took part in the activity actively. |
同學們積極參與是次論壇。 |
Hong Kongers produce 13,000 tons of waste daily, which will lead to the full capacity of the existing landfills in the coming years. Therefore, it is urgent for us to settle waste problems. |
To enhance students’ understanding of the issue, in the I.H. forum, Ms Miranda Tang and Mr. Daniel Lau discussed the pros and cons of each solution to the waste problems, i.e, expanding the landfills and the construction of an incineration plant. Teachers’ vivid and detailed explanation not only helped students analyze the issue in different perspectives, but also motivated students to voice their opinions actively. |
Students reflected that they benefited a lot from the I.H. Forum because it provided them with a platform to learn in an interactive way during lunchtime! |
香港人每日製造萬三噸固體垃圾,為三個堆填區造成了相當沉重的負擔。現時堆田區即將飽和,我們必須更有效處理垃圾,以防垃圾圍城。 |
為了增加學生對這議題的認識,是次論壇我們邀請了鄧潔麗老師和劉柏豪老師一起探討各處理垃圾方案的利弊。老師精闢和詳盡的講解不單有助學生多角度評估各方案,亦有助鼓勵學生各抒己見。 |
是次論壇後,多名學生表示互動的論壇讓他們獲益良多。 |