Hong Kong Outstanding Student Service Ambassadors Award Programme
It is Stewards Pooi Kei College’s Rotary Interact Club’s first time participating in the Hong Kong Outstanding Student Service Ambassadors Award Programme hosted by Rotary Interact Club District 3450.
The participants of the competition are as follows: 5P: Ryan Li, Jasmine Seeto, Ally Wong, Henry Kam, Cyrus Wong, Andy Tang, and Ian Lau 5J: Alvin Wong 2J: Benjamin Kam
Our incredible project, FlexiGrow, aimed at supporting kidney patients at the Hong Kong Children’s Hospital.
With the full support of Mr. Lee and Mr. Lui, we were awarded the second runner-up in a specific category in Hong Kong.
We would like to express our gratitude to President Marco Chu from the Rotary Club of Shatin for attending and supporting us at the prize ceremony.
We also had the opportunity to take a photo with District Governor Mr. Andy Li and Past District Governor Mr. Norman Lee.
SPKC RIC will never stop participating in various community services along with all Pooikeinians!