Harvest of Diligence and Devotion – Class of 2024


Congratulations to the Class of 2024 who has achieved remarkable success in the 2024 HKDSE, a testament to their diligence and the devotion of our teachers. We are incredibly proud to share their achievements with you.

     Around 80% of our students have fulfilled the general requirements for university admission (332A+2), while the overall average for Hong Kong is 44.9%.

     95.7% of our students are eligible for sub-degree programmes (22222), while the overall average for Hong Kong is 74.8%.

    The average passing rate in all subjects is 97.2%. The rate in all subjects with Level 4 or above is around 50%, while the overall average for Hong Kong is 36.8%.

    All Core Subjects (English Language, Chinese Language, and Mathematics) outperformed the territory averages in attaining Level 4! Nearly 100% of our students obtained level 3 in English Language while 60% attained level 4 or above.

     100% of our students got attained in Citizenship & Social Development.

     16 subjects outperformed the territory averages in attaining Level 3 or above.

     12 subjects outperformed the territory averages in attaining Level 4 or above.

     9 subjects outperformed the territory averages in attaining Level 5 or above.

     6 subjects outperformed the territory averages in attaining Level 5* or above.

    A total of 8 students obtained outstanding achievement in HKDSE 2024. Among them, Au Hoi Kan (6G) attained an exceptional HKDSE result of 5**, 5*, 5*, 5*, 5, 5, scoring a total of 35 in 6 subjects


S6 Pooikeinians truly deserve a pat on the back for their resilience in the past three years. Congratulations to our students who excelled in the 2024 HKDSE Examination!

Name of Students

HKDSE Results

AU Hoi Kan

 5**, 5*, 5*, 5*, 5, 5

WO Tsz Him Esmond

5**, 5*, 5*, 5, 5, 3

LAI Yan Kiu

5*, 5*, 5*, 5, 5, 4

CHOW Man Hei Keiko

5*, 5*, 5*, 5, 5, 4

LEE Ching To Ambrose

5**, 5*, 5, 5, 4, 4

TSE Hiu Fai

5*, 5*, 5, 5, 5, 5

LAU Wai Man

5*, 5*, 5, 5, 4, 4


5**, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4

Once again, congratulations to the Class of 2024, and we wish them every success in their future endeavors!
