Gospel Week
The Gospel Week was held on the third week of October and the theme was “Unconditional Love”. |
本年度的福音週在十月的第三週舉行,主題是“無條件的愛”。 |
Open Mic |
On Monday, we have held an event called “Open Mic” for teachers and students to share their favourite gospel songs and their testimony in the Zone D. |
我們於星期一舉辦了名為「Open Mic」的活動, 老師及同學在Zone D分享他們最喜愛的福音歌曲及生命故事。 |
Miss Poon sang for the audience. 盤老師獻唱。 |
Mr Lui sang with the members of the Music Association and shared his testimony. |
呂老師與音樂聯會獻唱並分享見證。 |
Students enjoyed the performance |
聽眾都樂在其中。 |
Morning Choir |
The Christian Fellowship led Christian students sang hymns at the school lobby. |
學生團契帶領基督徒學生在大堂唱詩。 |
Students praised the Lord together. |
學生們以歌聲讚美神。 |
Lunchtime worship |
Student worship team led their lunchtime worship at the Red Brick Area. The atmosphere was warm and relaxing. Teachers and students felt the God’s presence in prayers and worship.
敬拜隊在紅磚地舉行的午間敬拜,氣氛輕鬆,參加者在詩歌敬拜和禱告中感受到神的同在。 |
Student worship team led the worship. |
學生敬拜隊帶領敬拜。 |
Students and teachers enjoyed the worship. |
學生們和老師們都享受敬拜。 |
Gospel Café |
Teachers and student shared their testimony and their views about Christianity in “Gospel Café”. |
師生在福音茶座中輕鬆分享生命見証及討論信仰問題。 |
Literally a full house in Junior and Senior Gospel Cafe! |
初中和高中的福音茶座都是座無虛席! |
Gospel Fair |
Students took photos and made henna painting on Gospel Fairs. 學生在午間活動拍照留念及繪製手繪。 |
Hennas with Gospel messages. |
各人都帶著福音訊息/圖案的手繪回家。 |
Gospel Assembly |
Gospel Assembly showcased a teacher drama about the story of ‘Zacchaeus’. Mr. Tim Li and Chaplain Celesse Yuen shared the Gospel with students. S.6 student Amber Luk sang a hymn and shared her testimony. |
多位老師在週會中表演話劇—「撒該的故事」,李老師和袁校牧分享信息,中六學生陸保祺獻唱及分享見證。 |
Teachers performed the story of ‘Zacchaeus’ |
老師們落力演出「撒該的故事」。 |
Students participated in the assembly actively. |
學生積極地參與週會。 |
S.6 student Amber sang the theme song of Gospel Week and shared her testimony. |
中六學生陸保祺獻唱福音週主題曲及分享見証。 |
Some students had decided to committee their life to Jesus Christ in Gospel Week. May God be the Glory! |
多位學生決志成為基督徒或更認真跟隨主耶穌。願榮耀歸神! |