This year’s Gospel Week was held from 13 October 2014 to 17 October 2014. The theme is “Break Out from Darkness” and the scripture is “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12). |
In response to the current protest “Umbrella Movement” in Hong Kong, we would like to remind our students that Jesus is the light of life. Whenever we feel stuck in a difficult situation and struggle, whenever we feel hopeless, Jesus is our strength and He will help us walk through the darkest days. It was an incredible week and we have experienced the power and presence of God!. |
Some other highlights of Gospel Week are morning choir, lunchtime worship, gospel radio, gospel book fair etc. Many students were excited to experience the power and presence of God and can’t wait for our Gospel Week next year! |
今年福音週於十月十三至十七日舉行。主題為「在黑暗中爆發」,經文為「我是世界的光,跟從我的,必定不在黑暗裡走,卻要得著生命的光。(約翰福音八章十二節 )」。 |
主題為要回應近日發生示威靜坐的「雨傘運動」,我們想藉這次福音週的活動,提醒同學當我們遇到很大的困難及掙扎,在一個無力及絕望的環境中,我們可以轉向神,因為耶穌基督是生命的光,祂必定賜我們力量,陪我們走過最黑暗的日子,我們在這個星期都深深經歷神的大能與同在。 |
福音週的活動亦包括早上詩歌合唱團、午間敬拜、福音電台及福音書展等等。很多同學都在福音週中經歷到神的大能與同在,也很期待明年再次參與福音週呢! |
We are honored to have Watoto Children’s Choir from Uganda with us this week. They had lunch with our students and have held two gospel music concerts that day. Their testimonies, music and dance are truly touching. We can see that God’s love and salvation have changed their lives so much. |
我們很榮幸邀請到來自非洲烏干達的Watoto合唱團,他們跟我們的同學一起吃午飯,也為我們舉行了兩場很精彩的音樂佈道會。從他們感人的見證分享及充滿熱情的歌聲舞蹈中,可以看到神的愛及救贖如何改變及翻轉他們的生命。 |
Members of Watoto Children’s Choir are lunching and sharing with our Fellowship Committee and Worship Team Members. |
Watoto合唱團團員與團契職員及學生敬拜隊隊員一起共享午餐。 |
Watoto Children’s Choir shares their testimonies, their music and dance with our students. |
Watoto合唱團向同學分享他們的見證及音樂和舞蹈。 |
Also, we are honored to have an ice cream truck from Mister Softee to offer free ice cream for our students to enjoy in Gospel Cafe. They have added sweetness and joy in our Gospel Cafe this year! |
還有,我們很高興邀請到富豪雪糕為參加福音茶座的同學免費享用雪糕,他們為福音茶座增添了不少歡樂的氣氛! |
Students have an amazing time of fellowship with teachers in Gospel Cafe. |
同學和老師在福音茶座中有美好的交流。 |
Morning Choir greets teachers and students at the school entrance |
早上詩歌合唱團以歌聲迎接老師和同學。 |
Worship Team leads the students to sing and praise. |
學生敬拜隊帶領同學唱歌讚美神。 |