This year’s Gospel Week was held from 12 to 19 November. The theme and scripture for the Week were ‘What’s Your Style?’ and Matthew 16:26 (“What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?”). We had the awesome opportunity to share good news with the students that Jesus Christ changes lives! It was an incredibly wonderful week and different activities were organized in the hope of leading the souls to Our Savior. |
Some highlights were morning choir, lunch worship, gospel café, drama and evangelical concert. Many students were excited to experience the power and presence of God and can’t wait to our Gospel Week next year! |
今年的福音週於十一月十二至十九日舉行。主題為「你是什麼風格?」主題經文為馬太福音第十六章26節:「人若賺得全世界,賠上自己的生命,有什麼益處呢?人還能拿什麼換生命呢?」感謝神﹗我們有機會和同學分享好消息,耶穌基督是改變人生命的神!這個星期,我們舉辦了不同種類的活動,讓同學認識主耶穌,例如清晨合唱團、午間敬拜、福音茶座、話劇及音樂佈道會。許多同學深深經歷神的大能與同在,也期待著明年再次參加福音週! |
過去的一個星期舉辦了很多不同種類的活動,希望把同學的心帶到救主面前,活動包括早上詩歌合唱團、午間敬拜、福音茶座、話劇及音樂佈道會等。很多同學都在福音週中經歷到神的大能與同在,也很期待明年再次參與福音週呢! |
Morning choir greets teachers and students at the school entrance |
清晨合唱團以歌聲迎接老師和同學。 |
HKU Gospel Music Group presents gospel songs in evangelical concert |
港大團契音樂佈道隊帶領同學頌唱讚美詩。 |
The students dance and perform in the gospel drama |
同學表演街頭福音話劇。 |
Worship Team leads the students to sing and praise |
學生敬拜隊帶領同學唱歌讚美神。 |
The students have an amazing time of fellowship with teachers in Gospel Café |
同學和老師在福音茶座中有美好的交流。 |
Teachers and students visit elderly homes where they hand out biscuits and chat with old people |
老師和同學一同探訪老人院,給他們送上禮物,表逹關愛之情。 |