The fifth annual BookCrossing activity was held this year, the theme is “Finding the Treasure of Knowledge”. The number of books crossed by students has soared record-breaking high this year. Over 1000 books were crossed! |
漂書活動已經來到了第五屆!今屆主題為「尋找知識的寶藏」,寓意大家在茫茫書海中,尋覓、發掘、挑選心頭好,過程猶如尋寶般刺激,意想不到。 |
Look how many books this student has crossed!!!!! |
這位同學積極參與,以書會友!!!!! |
Of course, our principal, teachers and staff joined too. |
校長及教職員亦參與其中,放漂好書。 |
Bonding through BookCrossing |
一起漂書,樂在其中 |
All the books are ready for BookCrossing. |
圖書館按圖書內容,分門別類,方便同學選書。 |
So many students came to look for good books! |
同學在知識的汪洋中,尋找他們的寶藏──喜歡的圖書! |
This student seems to be very focused! |
愛書者,豈不會專心致志地細閱圖書? |
Ms Mok looks very happy that she found a good book. |
老師亦能覓得心頭好 |
Time to write our feelings about this activity. |
填寫心意卡時間 |
Wow! So many book redemption coupons, seems like many of our schoolmates and teachers participated in our bookcrossing activity. |
看,堆積如山的漂書卷!這證明很多圖書已找到新主人了 |
Our feelings about this activity are all here. |
參加者滿滿的心意 |
On 12 May, 2016, our principal presented awards for the active participants in our BookCrossing activity. |
今年的參與人數與放漂圖書數量再創新高,令人鼓舞! 5月12日,校長頒發了今次漂書活動的獎項,鼓勵踴躍參與的「漂書者」。 |
Most Active Class Participation Awardees: Class 1 Love, 2 Love, 3 Faith, 4 Peace, 5 Faith |
最踴躍參與班別獎:中一愛班、中二愛班、中三信班、中四和平班、中五信班 |
Most Active Participants in School: Au Cheuk Ka (1 Faith), Wong Hoi Ching (2 Love), Chan Ilsa (2 Peace) |
最踴躍參與個人獎:歐倬嘉 (中一信班)、黃凱晴 (中二愛班)、陳家碧 (中二和平班) |
Certificate of Appreciation (for the continuous support to the BookCrossing event over the past 5 years) |
連續五年參與漂書活動的忠實「粉絲」 |
We believe many of you had found your treasures in this meaningful event. Let’s hope that more students will participate in BookCrossing next year and break this year’s record. |
第五屆漂書活動,曲終人散。相信大家都找到自己珍貴的「寶藏」吧!寄望明年會有更多讀者參與漂書活動,增長知識,以書會友。 |