SPKC held an “Experiential Day” on Monday, 29 October 2012, specially invited the P.6 students of the Stewards Pooi Kei Primary School to experience a half day of memorable secondary school life. |
香港神託會培基書院於二零一二年十月二十日(星期一)舉行了『升中體驗日』,特別邀請了香港神託會培基小學的六年級學生親來體驗難忘的半天中學生涯。 |
Mr. Peter Yuen, Principal, delivered a welcoming speech in the opening. |
袁彼得校長致開幕演說。 |
Our NET teachers, Mr. Tom Derbyshire and Mr. Stephen Marson gave a special lecture in the “English Zone”. |
本校外籍老師 Mr. Tom Derbyshire 及 Mr. Stephen Marson 在『英語專區』主持特別英語課。 |
Mr. Ether Ho, teacher librarian, introduced the facilities of the School Library. |
何伊達老師, 本校圖書館主任,向同學介紹圖書館的各項設施。 |
A student ambassador introduced the exhibit of the “Integrated Humanities” display board and the P.6 students were interested in it. |
學生大使正介紹有關『綜合人文科』的展板,小六同學對內容感到十分有興趣,並積極發問。 |
Mr. Harry Lau and Mr. Peter Liu demonstrated the IS experiment in an interesting way. |
柳巳丞老師和廖德智老師以輕鬆有趣的方法示範科學實驗。 |
Students enjoyed working on the IS worksheet. |
同學都努力回答相關之科學練習題。 |
Mr. Timothy Li introduced Integrated Humanities (IH) curriculum to students with the aid of volcano model. |
李浩然老師介紹『綜合人文科』的課程,並以火山模型具體說明不同火山的特性和形態。 |
Ms. Joanna Leung used a dice to explain the Mathematic Theory. |
梁建欣老師運用骰子去解構相關的數學論說。 |
Ms. Hoi Ning Ho inspired students to create art works. |
何海寧老師啓發同學去創作藝術作品。 |
Mr. William Lee, Vice Principal, highlighted the key issues of the school pamphlet. |
李建鋒副校長重點介紹學校的特刊,並得到同學的積極回應。 |
Mr. Ng Ching Kong the Headmaster of Stewards Pooi Kei Primary School presented a souvenir to Mr. Peter Yuen, the Principal of SPKC to mark a memorable closing of the programme. |
香港神託會培基小學的黃清江校長致送紀念品給我校的袁彼得校長,為『升中體驗日』劃上完美的句號。 |