The school is honored to be selected again as one of the caring schools in the Caring School Award Scheme. It is an award presented by HK Christian Service and EDB to schools that are actively promoting caring attitude and putting it into practice outstandingly. |
Our school has adopted a “Love ~ Accompany” approach. It has anchored to Christian faith in establishing a “nurturing community” with all parents, our partner church and our partner organization, Breakthrough Ltd. The school focuses on the holistic development of the young generation, helping them develop their potentials fully and guiding them to strive for excellence. The school believes that every student can develop leadership qualities through experiencing an abundant life, caring for society, and following Jesus Christ in their lives. |
Year 2019 is a very special year as it is the 15th anniversary celebration of our school. The school is still full of love, joy and harmony. Below are some highlights of the joyful moments throughout the year. |
本校再次榮獲由香港基督教服務處與香港教育局合辦的「關愛校園獎勵計劃」之「關愛校園」榮譽,以肯定本校推動關愛校園文化的努力。「關愛校園獎勵計劃」是為了表揚一些積極宣傳及推行關愛氣氛的學校。 |
本校採用「愛.同行」模式,以基督教價值為基礎,與家長、教會及突破機構共同建立一個「關愛社群」。我們重視年青一代的全人發展,協助他們發揮潛能,引導他們追求卓越。我們深信每位學生都可以透過豐富的人生體驗、關懷社會以及跟隨耶穌基督去培養領導才能。 |
今年適逢本校創校十五週年校慶,一如以往,學校也是充滿愛、喜樂及和諧的。以下是一些本年度校園內的精彩片段。 |
Ms. Michelle Ho received the Caring School Award Trophy on behalf of the school in the 2018-19 Caring School Award Ceremony. |
Our annual Carol Night was held to celebrate Christmas with our students, teachers and parents. |
Our students formed a band within one week to play music to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the school in the Red Brick Area. |
Out students could enjoy free ice cream after school from “Mobile Softee” to celebrate the school’s 15th anniversary. |
The guest was playing in the game stall prepared by our students on 15th Anniversary Open Day. |
Another guest was playing in the game stall prepared by one of the houses. |
The guest was listening to our student’s introduction at the Science Lab. |